2017-08-16 69 views

這是我的第一個applescript。我使用automator啓動腳本作爲 我將新文件放到一個文件夾(文件夾操作)。使用TextEdit打開文件並將它們導出爲pdf

在Automator中我有2個作用: 1獲得指定的Finder項 2-蘋果腳本



on run {input, parameters} 

tell application "TextEdit" to activate 

repeat with theFile in input 

    set theFilePath to theFile as alias 

    tell application "TextEdit" to open theFilePath 

    tell application "System Events" 
     tell process "TextEdit" 
      set foremost to true 
      click menu item "Export as PDF..." of menu "File" of menu bar 1 
      click button "Save" 
      click menu item "Close" of menu "File" of menu bar 1 
     end tell 
    end tell 

end repeat 

return input 
end run 





on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving these_items 
    repeat with i from 1 to number of items in these_items 
     set this_item to item i of these_items 
     tell application "TextEdit" 
      open this_item 
      delay 1 
      tell application "System Events" 
       click menu item "Export as PDF…" of menu 1 of menu bar item "File" of menu bar 1 of application process "TextEdit" 
       delay 1 
       key code 36 
       delay 1 
       key code 13 using command down 
      end tell 
     end tell 
    end repeat 
end adding folder items to 


on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving these_items 
    repeat with i from 1 to number of items in these_items 
     set this_item to item i of these_items 
     tell application "TextEdit" 
      open this_item 
      delay 1 
      tell application "System Events" 
       click menu item "Export as PDF…" of menu 1 of menu bar item "File" of menu bar 1 of application process "TextEdit" 
       delay 1 
       key code 36 
       delay 1 
       key code 13 using command down 
      end tell 
     end tell 
    end repeat 
    ignoring application responses 
     tell application "TextEdit" to quit without saving 
    end ignoring 
end adding folder items to 

如果您保存此以下的AppleScript在你的/用戶腳本編輯器爲「Convert_To_PDF.scpt」 /插入您的用戶名/庫/工作流程/應用程序/文件夾操作的文件夾。根本不需要使用Automator。你只需要控制+單擊您要爲您的「熱文件夾」的任何文件夾,你會看到:

enter image description here


enter image description here

因爲您將AppleScript保存在/ Library/Workflows/Applications/Folder Actions文件夾中,所以當您單擊+號爲文件夾操作添加腳本到文件夾時,它將自動出現在腳本可供選擇

enter image description here

enter image description here



「key code 36」和「key code 13 using command down」代表什麼? – t4ncr3d3


「按鍵代碼36」是按下返回鍵,並且「使用命令按下的按鍵代碼13」是按下命令並且「w」是用於關閉窗口或文檔的快捷方式 – wch1zpink
