我有對象(JSON對象)的陣列的子陣列 每個對象是以下的性質:iphone - 及其安靜混淆使用塊來獲得從陣列
author = "<null>";
category = {
"created_at" = "2011-02-06T18:11:39Z";
id = 4;
name = lawyers;
"created_at" = "<null>";
id = 693;
"mobile_user_id" = "<null>";
"rating_count" = 0;
status = 1;
text = "A brain walks into a bar and says, \"I'll have a pint of beer please. \"The barman looks at him and says \"Sorry, I can't serve you.\" \"Why not?\" asks the brain. \"You're already out of your head.\"";
title = "A brain goes to a local bar";
從對象的那些陣列,我想查找類別爲id = 4的對象並創建一個子數組。
有些博客說,使用塊而不是使用謂詞。你爲什麼要用「謂詞」來獲取子數組?和你的塊代碼拋出錯誤「無效的轉換初始化整數'INT',預期的塊指針',有什麼毛病我的JSON數據? – Satyam 2011-03-09 09:05:57
我的項目使用目標OS <4.0,所以我不能使用塊。 – Jilouc 2011-03-09 09:08:17
我得到「無效的轉換初始化整數'int',期望塊指針」,我們的比較有什麼問題? – Satyam 2011-03-09 09:10:00