2014-12-22 76 views


該代碼有效,但速度很慢。它幾乎就像循環表格中的每一行,而不僅僅是基於「LastRow」變量。這是問題還是其他問題? 如果我關閉更新,它仍然很慢。如果我將它們留在屏幕上,只會一直閃爍,直到在任務管理器中關閉它爲止。

Sub CombineRows() 
    'define variables 
    Dim RowNum As Long, LastRow As Long 
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False 
    'start below titles and make full selection of data 
    RowNum = 2 
    LastRow = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row 
    Range("A2", Cells(LastRow, 10)).Select 
    'For loop for all rows in selection with cells 
    For Each Row In Selection 
     With Cells 
     'if order number matches 
      If Cells(RowNum, 4) = Cells(RowNum + 1, 4) Then 
       'move attribute 2 up next to attribute 1 and delete empty line 
       Cells(RowNum + 1, 1).Copy Destination:=Cells(RowNum, 11) 
       Cells(RowNum + 1, 2).Copy Destination:=Cells(RowNum, 12) 
       Cells(RowNum + 1, 3).Copy Destination:=Cells(RowNum, 13) 
       Cells(RowNum + 1, 4).Copy Destination:=Cells(RowNum, 14) 
       Cells(RowNum + 1, 5).Copy Destination:=Cells(RowNum, 15) 
       Cells(RowNum + 1, 6).Copy Destination:=Cells(RowNum, 16) 
       Cells(RowNum + 1, 7).Copy Destination:=Cells(RowNum, 17) 
       Cells(RowNum + 1, 8).Copy Destination:=Cells(RowNum, 18) 
       Cells(RowNum + 1, 9).Copy Destination:=Cells(RowNum, 19) 
       Cells(RowNum + 1, 10).Copy Destination:=Cells(RowNum, 20) 
       Rows(RowNum + 1).EntireRow.Delete 
      End If 
     End With 
     'increase rownum for next test 
     RowNum = RowNum + 1 
    Next Row 
    'turn on screen updating 
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True 
End Sub 





Sub CombineRows() 
    Dim RowNum As Long, LastRow As Long 
    Dim c As Range, rngtodelete As Range 
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False 
    With Sheets("Sheet1") 
     RowNum = 2 
     LastRow = .Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row 
     For Each c In .Range("D2:D" & LastRow) 'Loop in D column only 
      If c.Value2 = c.Offset(1, 0).Value2 Then 
       'Cut and paste in one go 
       c.Offset(1, -3).Resize(, 10).Cut .Range("K" & RowNum) 
       'Mark the rows to delete 
       If rngtodelete Is Nothing Then 
        Set rngtodelete = c.Offset(1, 0).EntireRow 
        Set rngtodelete = Union(rngtodelete, c.Offset(1, 0).EntireRow) 
       End If 
      End If 
      RowNum = RowNum + 1 
     If Not rngtodelete Is Nothing Then rngtodelete.Delete xlUp 'Delete in one go 
    End With 
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True 
End Sub 

我僅基於您發佈的代碼進行了基礎。這在我的機器上花費了不到一秒鐘的時間。 HTH。


很好的覆蓋和修改。 – brettdj



Sub CombineRows() 
    'define variables 
    Dim RowNum As Long, LastRow As Long 
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False 
    'start below titles and make full selection of data 
    RowNum = 2 
    LastRow = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row 
    'Range("A2", Cells(LastRow, 10)).Select 
    'For loop for all rows in selection with cells 
    'For Each Row In Selection 
    ' With Cells 
     'if order number matches 
    With Worksheets("ABC") ' Whatever is the Tab name 
     For RowNum = 2 To LastRow 
      If .Cells(RowNum, 4) = .Cells(RowNum + 1, 4) Then 
       'move attribute 2 up next to attribute 1 and delete empty line 
       .Range(.Cells(RowNum + 1, 1), .Cells(RowNum + 1, 10)).Copy _ 
         Destination:=.Range(.Cells(RowNum, 11), .Cells(RowNum, 20)) 
       'Cells(RowNum + 1, 1).Copy Destination:=Cells(RowNum, 11) 
       'Cells(RowNum + 1, 2).Copy destination:=Cells(RowNum, 12) 
       'Cells(RowNum + 1, 3).Copy destination:=Cells(RowNum, 13) 
       'Cells(RowNum + 1, 4).Copy destination:=Cells(RowNum, 14) 
       'Cells(RowNum + 1, 5).Copy destination:=Cells(RowNum, 15) 
       'Cells(RowNum + 1, 6).Copy destination:=Cells(RowNum, 16) 
       'Cells(RowNum + 1, 7).Copy destination:=Cells(RowNum, 17) 
       'Cells(RowNum + 1, 8).Copy destination:=Cells(RowNum, 18) 
       'Cells(RowNum + 1, 9).Copy destination:=Cells(RowNum, 19) 
       'Cells(RowNum + 1, 10).Copy destination:=Cells(RowNum, 20) 
       Rows(RowNum + 1).EntireRow.Delete 
      End If 
     'End With 
    End With 
     'increase rownum for next test 
     RowNum = RowNum + 1 
    'Next Row 
    'turn on screen updating 
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True 
End Sub 

感謝球員 - 兩人都完美無缺地工作,給了我一個更好的理解 – user3432849


如果你刪除一行,lastrow將會更小,所以我更喜歡while循環並在刪除一行時更新lastrow值。你也可以添加application.enableevents = false和application.calculation = xlmanual來使代碼更快一點 –


根據Patrick的評論,行應總是被刪除。 – brettdj