2016-07-31 222 views
`var y = 0 ; 
var x = 0; 
function atm(num1, num2){ 
console.log((num1 - num2)); 
return num1 - num2 ; 
var items =[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]; 
function vm(y, x){ 
if(atm(y , items[x]) < 0 ){ 
    result = "U Do not have enough money to pay"; 
else if (atm(y , items[x]) === 0 );{ 
    result = "Ur money just matches the required paying fee"; 
if (atm(y , items[x]) > 0 );{ 
    result="U will reserve atm(y, items[x]) as a remainder"; 

vm(2, 3);` 

**的錯誤是,它給了我三個答案爲u可以看到: \\ -2JS,功能無法正常工作




「U將大氣壓預留(Y,項[X]),爲剩餘部分」 \\

\\ 也是第三結果「結果=」 U將大氣壓預留(Y,項[X]),爲剩餘部分」,‘不會顯示剩餘





2 - 烏爾錢只是相匹配的要求交費

3-是他有更多的錢,他會保留「Y - 項目[X]」作爲餘





var y = 0; 
var x = 0; 
var items = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]; 

function atm(num1, num2){ 
    return num1 - num2; 

function vm(y, x) { 
    if(atm(y, items[x]) < 0 ) { 
     result = "You Do not have enough money to pay"; 
    else if (atm(y, items[x]) === 0 ) { 
     result = "Ur money just matches the required paying fee"; 
    else { 
     result = "U will reserve " + atm(y, items[x]) +" as a remainder"; 
    return result; 

vm(2, 3) 
// "You Do not have enough money to pay" 

非常感謝你救了我我的朋友<3 –


不客氣! –