我在Windows 7計算機(64位)上使用XAMMP,PHPMyAdmin,Notepad ++。PHP代碼(使用XAMPP)Config.php
我試圖做一個登錄頁面,我的網站,使用本教程: http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/php/create-a-signup-form-with-email-confirmation/
Warning: mysql_connect(): Access denied for user 'username'@'localhost' (using password: YES) in ...\XAMPP\htdocs\EP\inc\php\config.php on line 4 I couldn't connect to your database, please make sure your info is correct!
//connect to the database
mysql_connect('localhost', 'username', 'password') or die("I couldn't connect to your database, please make sure your info is correct!");
mysql_select_db('registration') or die("I couldn't find the database table ($table) make sure it's spelt right!");
我們需要看你的代碼,但是localhost對你的本地連接是可以的,請嘗試將你的用戶改爲「root」(不含引號),密碼爲空(或者「root」,如果空不工作) – Duver