2013-07-16 101 views


    <hf id="1">A2</hf> ##1) based these hf nodes id attributes 
    <hf id="2">A1</hf> 
     <lz hid="1">       ##1) in Lze node need to create same number lz nodes 
               ## based previously quoted hf node id attribute   
     <lz hid="2"> 
      <inhalt></inhalt>     ##2) lz node with hid = "2" has 2 p nodes 
     <lz hid="2">     ## 1)in Lze node need to create same number lz nodes 
             ## based previously quoted hf node id attribute 
      <text>ziel</text>     ## 2)lz node with hid = "2" has 1 p node so need 
      <inhalt>ttt</inhalt>    ## node to create 1 more as previously 
     </p>        ## lz node 


  1. 節點我需要創建hfs同胞psteps後代lze節點具有相同屬性值的lz節點的相同數量

  2. 接下來必須找到lz節點中具有相同最大數量的p個節點屬性值,並在具有相同屬性值的其餘lz節點中創建相同數量的p個節點。


    <hf id="1">A2</hf> 
    <hf id="2">A1</hf> 
     <lz hid="1"> 
     <lz hid="2"> 
     <lz hid="2"> 
     <lz hid="1"> 


var doc = XDocument.Load("XmlFile1.xml"); 
var hfIds = (from hf in doc.Descendants("hf") 
       from attr in hf.Attributes("Id") 
       select attr.Value).Distinct(StringComparer.Ordinal).ToList(); 

var lze2 = doc.Descendants("lze") 
     .Select(lze => new { 
      element = lze, 
      hfids = lze.Descendants("lz").Attributes("hid"), 
      paras = (from lz in lze.Elements("lz") 
        from ps in lz.Elements("ps") 
        from p in ps.Elements("p") 
        select p).ToList() 

foreach (var c in lze2) { 
    foreach (var hfid in hfIds.Where(hfid => !c.hfids.Any(attr => hfid.Equals(attr.Value)))) { 
     c.element.Add(new XElement("lz", new XAttribute("hfid", hfid), 
      new XElement("ps", 
        new XElement("p"), 
       new XElement("Text"), 
       new XElement("Content")))); 



if (xmlDoc.Descendants("a").Count() > 0) 
    var afIds = (from af in xmlDoc.Descendants("af") 
       from attribute in af.Attributes("Id") 
       select attribute.Value).Distinct(StringComparer.Ordinal).ToList(); 

    var loContainers = xmlDoc.Descendants("a").Select(a => 
        new {element = a, afids = a.Descendants("x").Attributes("afId") }); 

    foreach (var container in loContainers) 
     foreach (var afId in afIds.Where(afId => !container.afids.Any(attr => afId.Equals(attr.Value)))) 
      container.element.Add(new XElement("x", new XAttribute("afId", afId), 
          new XElement("Paragraphs", 
           new XElement("Paragraph", 
            new XAttribute("AllowSelection", "false"), 
            new XElement("Text"), 
            new XElement("Content"))))); 

     foreach (var afId in afIds) 
     var distinctlearningObjs = from x in xmlDoc.Descendants("x").Where(
          x => (string)x.Attribute("afId").Value == afId).GroupBy(
           x => x.Attribute("afId").Value) 
         select new { MaxParaCount = x.Max(y => y.Descendants("Paragraph").Count()) }; 

     foreach (var x in distinctlearningObjs) 
      var docLos = from doclo in xmlDoc.Descendants("x").Where(
           x => (string)x.Attribute("afId").Value == afId) 
         select new { doclo, element = doclo.Element("Paragraphs"), 
            count = doclo.Descendants("Paragraph").Count() 

      foreach (var docLo in docLos) 
       var paraCount = docLo.count; 
       var maxCount = x.MaxParaCount; 

       for (var i = paraCount; i < maxCount; i++) 
        docLo.element.Add(new XElement("Paragraph", 
            new XAttribute("AllowSelection", "false"), 
            new XElement("Text"), 
            new XElement("Content"))); 


var doc = XDocument.Load("XmlFile1.xml"); 
var hfIds = (from hf in doc.Descendants("hf").Attributes("id") 
         select hf.Value).Distinct(StringComparer.Ordinal).ToList(); 

      bool addFlag = true; 

      foreach (var c in doc.Descendants("lze")) 
       foreach (var hfid in hfIds) 
        addFlag = true; 
        foreach (var attr in c.Descendants("lz").Attributes("hid")) 
         if (hfid == attr.Value) 
          addFlag = false; 

        if (addFlag) 
         c.Add(new XElement("lz", new XAttribute("hid", hfid), 
          new XElement("ps", 
            new XElement("p"), 
           new XElement("Text"), 
           new XElement("Content")))); 

      // Adding the p elements to the above added lz elements 
      var distinctPIds = (from hf in doc.Descendants("lz").Descendants("p") 
           select hf).GroupBy(x => x.Value).Select(x => x.First()); ; 

      addFlag = true; 
      XElement a = null; 
      foreach (var c in doc.Descendants("lz").Descendants("ps")) 
       foreach (var c3 in distinctPIds) 
        addFlag = true; 
        foreach (var c2 in c.Descendants("p")) 
         if (XNode.DeepEquals(c2, c3)) 
          addFlag = false; 
         a = c3; 
        if (addFlag) 



嗨Sayad,謝謝你的幫助。您的代碼似乎不會選擇唯一的屬性 – gullamahi
