Apr 15, 2013 10:50:52 AM com.production.tasks.ImportNewOrders checkForOrders
INFO: ------- Order #295510
Hibernate: select asset0_.id as id0_, asset0_.AssetID as AssetID0_, asset0_.barcode as barcode0_, asset0_.filename as filename0_, asset0_.orderID as orderID0_, asset0_.Priority as Priority0_, asset0_.qty as qty0_, asset0_.Status as Status0_, asset0_.TimeStamp_Received as TimeStamp9_0_, asset0_.type as type0_, asset0_.URL_Thumb as URL11_0_, asset0_.vendor as vendor0_ from production_queue.3D_Mgmt_v1_Assets asset0_ where asset0_.AssetID=?
Apr 15, 2013 10:51:04 AM com.production.utility.File download
INFO: - DecoFile downloaded from https://secure-url/165054548?user[id]=xxxxx&key=xxxx to th_1107461838.png
Apr 15, 2013 10:51:17 AM com.production.utility.File download
INFO: - DecoFile downloaded from https://secure-url/165054548?user[id]=xxxxx&key=xxxx to 1107461838.png
Hibernate: insert into production_queue.3D_Mgmt_v1_Assets (AssetID, barcode, filename, orderID, Priority, qty, Status, TimeStamp_Received, type, URL_Thumb, vendor) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
Apr 15, 2013 10:51:17 AM com.production.tasks.ImportNewOrders checkForOrders
INFO: ------- Order #295510
Hibernate: select asset0_.id as id0_, asset0_.AssetID as AssetID0_, asset0_.barcode as barcode0_, asset0_.filename as filename0_, asset0_.orderID as orderID0_, asset0_.Priority as Priority0_, asset0_.qty as qty0_, asset0_.Status as Status0_, asset0_.TimeStamp_Received as TimeStamp9_0_, asset0_.type as type0_, asset0_.URL_Thumb as URL11_0_, asset0_.vendor as vendor0_ from production_queue.3D_Mgmt_v1_Assets asset0_ where asset0_.AssetID=?
INFO: - DecoFile downloaded from https://secure-url/165054548?user[id]=xxxxx&key=xxxx to th_1107461838.png
INFO: - DecoFile downloaded from https://secure-url/165054548?user[id]=xxxxx&key=xxxx to 1107461838.png
Hibernate: insert into production_queue.3D_Mgmt_v1_Assets (AssetID, barcode, filename, orderID, Priority, qty, Status, TimeStamp_Received, type, URL_Thumb, vendor) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
log4j.rootLogger=INFO, stdout
log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ABSOLUTE} %5p %t %c:%L - %m%n
#prevent "no appenders" warning despite having appenders - http://stackoverflow.com/a/15912258/197606
log4j.category.org.jboss.logging=INFO, stdout
log4j.category.com.model.entity =DEBUG,stdout
你如何設置你的appender?如果您不使用屬性文件,請顯示配置代碼。 – Simulant
什麼是日誌級別2013年4月15日上午10點50分52秒com.production.tasks.ImportNewOrders checkForOrders條目?信息? DEBUG? –
@PiotrKochański這正是我想擺脫的路線。它似乎不受日誌記錄級別的影響。 – Webnet