var stacks = [230323, 201100, 201108, 229390, 201106, 201114];
var stack_ids = {'stack_ids': stacks};
var my_request = d3.xhr('/pie_graph');
my_request.header("Content-Type", "application/json")
my_request.post(stack_ids, function(stuff){
stuff = JSON.parse(stuff);
var data1 = stuff['allocations'];
var data2 = stuff['allocated bytes'];
var data3 = stuff['frees'];
var data4 = stuff['freed bytes'];
}, "json");
@views.webapp.route('/pie_graph', method='POST')
def server_pie_graph_json():
db = views.db
config = views.config
ret = {
'allocations' : [],
'allocated bytes' : [],
'frees' : [],
'freed bytes' : [],
'leaks' : [],
'leaked bytes' : []
stack_ids = request.json['stack_ids']
#for each unique stack trace
for pos, stack_id in stack_ids:
stack = db.stacks[stack_id]
nallocs = format(stack.nallocs(db, config))
nalloc_bytes = format(stack.nalloc_bytes(db, config))
nfrees = format(stack.nfrees(db, config))
nfree_bytes = format(stack.nfree_bytes(db, config))
nleaks = format(stack.nallocs(db, config) - stack.nfrees(db, config))
nleaked_bytes = format(stack.nalloc_bytes(db, config) - stack.nfree_bytes(db, config))
# create a dictionary representing the stack
ret['allocations'].append({'label' : stack_id, 'value' : nallocs})
ret['allocated bytes'].append({'label' : stack_id, 'value' : nalloc_bytes})
ret['frees'].append({'label' : stack_id, 'value' : nfrees})
ret['freed bytes'].append({'label' : stack_id, 'value' : nfree_bytes})
ret['leaks'].append({'label' : stack_id, 'value' : nleaks})
ret['leaked bytes'].append({'label' : stack_id, 'value' : nfree_bytes})
# return dictionary of allocation information
return ret
該請求當前返回500內部服務器錯誤:JSONDecodeError('Expecting value:line 1 column 2(char 1)',)。
能之前,你解碼它,你張貼的JSON?在我看來,好像沒有數據。 – User