從12.04移到Ubuntu 14.04後,我開始遇到很多從S3下載文件的問題。在大約1/20的情況下,boto在拋出異常之前無法下載文件並攔截1-2分鐘。亞馬遜S3 - 博託下載失敗
import datetime
from boto.s3.connection import S3Connection
success = 0
for i in xrange(1000000):
start = datetime.datetime.now()
bucket = s3conn.get_bucket(bucket_name)
key = bucket.get_key(path)
content = key.get_contents_as_string()
delta = datetime.datetime.now() - start
print 'Downloading completed in', delta.total_seconds(), 's, file size is', len(content), 'bytes'
success += 1
print 'Downloaded', i + 1, 'files, success rate: ', float(success)/(i + 1)
except Exception as exc:
print 'Error occurred:', exc
這裏是我的Ubuntu 14.04的機器這個腳本的一些輸出:
Downloading completed in 1.76665 s, file size is 996320 bytes
Downloaded 1 files, success rate: 1.0
Downloading completed in 7.709181 s, file size is 996320 bytes
Downloaded 2 files, success rate: 1.0
Downloading completed in 1.762192 s, file size is 996320 bytes
Downloaded 3 files, success rate: 1.0
Downloading completed in 7.670499 s, file size is 996320 bytes
Downloaded 4 files, success rate: 1.0
Downloading completed in 1.806259 s, file size is 996320 bytes
Downloaded 5 files, success rate: 1.0
Downloading completed in 1.992967 s, file size is 996320 bytes
Downloaded 6 files, success rate: 1.0
Downloading completed in 6.496797 s, file size is 996320 bytes
Downloaded 21 files, success rate: 1.0
Error occurred: [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer
Downloading completed in 2.31506 s, file size is 996320 bytes
Downloaded 23 files, success rate: 0.95652173913
Error occurred: The read operation timed out
Error occurred: The read operation timed out
Downloading completed in 1.963559 s, file size is 996320 bytes
Downloaded 26 files, success rate: 0.884615384615
Downloading completed in 1.395313 s, file size is 996320 bytes
Downloaded 27 files, success rate: 0.888888888889
Downloading completed in 1.416122 s, file size is 996320 bytes
Downloaded 28 files, success rate: 0.892857142857
Downloading completed in 1.168238 s, file size is 996320 bytes
Downloaded 29 files, success rate: 0.896551724138
Downloading completed in 1.30582 s, file size is 996320 bytes
Downloaded 30 files, success rate: 0.9
我試圖在Windows和Mac坐在這個腳本在同一個本地網絡,結果是100%的罰款!另外,我在我的12.04 Amazon EC2實例上沒有問題:
Downloading completed in 2.015681 s, file size is 996320 bytes
Downloaded 100 files, success rate: 1.0
有沒有人遇到過類似的問題?我在哪裏看?我試圖調試boto庫,但沒有成功。 重要的是,當我在這臺機器上使用其他文件下載方法時,我沒有下載問題,只有boto失敗。 試過不同的博託版本:2.15.0和2.34.0