2012-04-26 28 views

我試圖在Java中實現Min Heap,但我遇到了插入和刪除元素的問題(在最後插入,刪除根分鐘)。它似乎大部分工作(我使用程序來直觀地顯示堆,並已經打印出新的根,當min已被刪除,類似的東西)。使用數組實現Min堆:插入和刪除Min(帶有重複項)



public void insert(T e) { 
    if (size == capacity) 
     increaseSize(); //this works fine 

    last = curr; //keeping track of the last index, for heapifying down/bubbling down when removing min 
    int parent = curr/2; 
    size++; //we added an element, so the size of our data set is larger 

    heap[curr] = e; //put value at end of array 

    //bubble up 
    int temp = curr; 

    while (temp > 1 && ((Comparable<T>) heap[temp]).compareTo(heap[parent]) < 0) { //if current element is less than the parent 
     //integer division 
     parent = temp/2; 
     swap(temp, parent); //the swapping method should be correct, but I included it for clarification 
     temp = parent; //just moves the index value to follow the element we added as it is bubbled up 

    curr++; //next element to be added will be after this one 


public void swap(int a, int b){ 
    T temp = heap[a]; 
    heap[a] = heap[b]; 
    heap[b] = temp; 

public T removeMin() { 

    //root is always min 
    T min = heap[1]; 

    //keep sure array not empty, or else size will go negative 
    if (size > 0) 

    //put last element as root 
    heap[1] = heap[last]; 
    heap[last] = null; 

    //keep sure array not empty, or else last will not be an index 
    if (last > 0) 

    //set for starting at root 
    int right = 3; 
    int left = 2; 
    int curr = 1; 
    int smaller = 0; 

    //fix heap, heapify down 
    while(left < size && right < size){ //we are in array bounds 

     if (heap[left] != null && heap[right] != null){ //so no null pointer exceptions 
      if (((Comparable<T>)heap[left]).compareTo(heap[right]) < 0) //left is smaller 
       smaller = left; 
      else if (((Comparable<T>)heap[left]).compareTo(heap[right]) > 0) //right is smaller 
       smaller = right; 
      else //they are equal 
       smaller = left; 
     if (heap[left] == null || heap[right] == null)//one child is null 
      if (heap[left] == null && heap[right] == null)//both null, stop 
      if (heap[left] == null)//right is not null 
       smaller = right; 
      else //left is not null 
       smaller = left; 

     if (((Comparable<T>)heap[curr]).compareTo(heap[smaller]) > 0)//compare smaller or only child 
      swap(curr,smaller); //swap with child 
      curr = smaller; //so loop can check new children for new placement 
     else //if in order, stop 

     right = 2*curr + 1; //set new children 
     left = 2*curr; 

    return min; //return root 



您是否正在使用IDE,以便您可以調試您的代碼? – Luciano 2012-04-26 23:54:26


是的,我使用eclipse,所以我可以調試。我也一直在使用GraphViz將堆顯示爲樹狀結構。老實說,我並不是最擅長使用調試器,並且通常在打印語句方面有更多的運氣,所以我可能會因爲這種無能爲力而錯過了一些東西。 – arsparfven 2012-04-26 23:56:33


這是功課嗎? – 2012-04-27 01:58:48



只是爲了幫助您進行調試,您應該簡化代碼。 'last'變量有一些奇怪的事情發生。同樣在'插入'當你做循環,可能溫度應該爲0,也就是

while (temp >= 0 &&......