use Unicode::Normalize;
sub slugify($) {
my ($input) = @_;
$input = NFKD($input); # Normalize (decompose) the Unicode string
$input =~ tr/\000-\177//cd; # Strip non-ASCII characters (>127)
$input =~ s/[^\w\s-]//g; # Remove all characters that are not word characters (includes _), spaces, or hyphens
$input =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; # Trim whitespace from both ends
$input = lc($input);
$input =~ s/[-\s]+/-/g; # Replace all occurrences of spaces and hyphens with a single hyphen
return $input;
定義)在剝離非ASCII字符之前似乎是您最好的選擇(as pointed out by phaylon)。
use Unicode::Normalize;
use Text::Unidecode;
sub slugify_unidecode($) {
my ($input) = @_;
$input = NFC($input); # Normalize (recompose) the Unicode string
$input = unidecode($input); # Convert non-ASCII characters to closest equivalents
$input =~ s/[^\w\s-]//g; # Remove all characters that are not word characters (includes _), spaces, or hyphens
$input =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; # Trim whitespace from both ends
$input = lc($input);
$input =~ s/[-\s]+/-/g; # Replace all occurrences of spaces and hyphens with a single hyphen
return $input;
string | slugify | slugify_unidecode
hello world hello world hello world
北亰 bei-jing
liberté liberta liberte
注意如何北亰得到slugifies不了了之與Django的啓發實施。還要注意NFC正常化帶來的差異 - 在剝離掉已分解角色的第二部分後,自由成爲NFKD的'自由',但在用NFC剝離重新組合'é'後將變成'自由'。
在Java中做同樣的事情。有沒有一個特定的操作,你不知道如何翻譯? – 2010-10-24 23:06:39
brian:是的,我不知道如何翻譯的操作是「String normalized = Normalizer.normalize(nowhitespace,Form.NFD);」。 Unicode :: Normalize解決了它。見卡梅倫的答案。 – knorv 2010-10-29 11:28:06