2015-02-05 49 views

這是我的瘋狂lib窗體的HTML頁面,我有一個表格來填寫一個瘋狂的lib。一旦用戶填寫完表格,他將提交完整的瘋狂圖書館。 變量不會在字符串中顯示,當我發佈?


    <title>This page sends the data</title> 


     <em><h1>Hip-Hop Mad Libs</h1></em> 

     <form action="page2.php" method="post"> 
      <label for="clothing">Item of clothing:</label><br> 

      <input type="text" name="clothing" id="clothing"> 

      <label for="adj1">Adjective:</label><br> 

      <input type="text" name="adj1" id="adj1"> 

      <label for="verb1">-ing Verb</label><br> 

      <input type="text" name="verb1" id="verb1"> 

      <label for="verb2">-ed Verb</label><br> 

      <input type="text" name="verb2" id="verb2"> 

      <label for="nickname">Nickname:</label><br> 

      <input type="text" name="nickname" id="nickname"> 


      <label for="race">Race of people:</label><br> 

      <input type="text" name="race" id="race"> 

      <label for="valued">Thing OF Value:</label><br> 

      <input type="text" name="valued" id="valued"> 

      <label for="body">Body Function:</label><br> 

      <input type="text" name="body" id="body"> 

      <label for="verb3">-ed Verb:</label><br> 

      <input type="text" name="verb3" id="verb3"> 

      <label for="woman">Famous Woman:</label><br> 

      <input type="text" name="woman" id="woman"> 


      <label for="occupation">Odd Occupation:</label><br> 

      <input type="text" name="occupation" id="occupation"> 


      <label for="occupation2">Same Occupation:</label><br> 

      <input type="text" name="occupation2" id="occupation2"> 

      <label for="body2">Body Part:</label><br> 

      <input type="text" name="body2" id="body2"> 

      <label for="behavior">Behavior:</label><br> 

      <input type="text" name="behavior" id="behavior"> 

      <label for="nickname2">Mean Nickname:</label><br> 

      <input type="text" name="nickname2" id="nickname2"> 

      <label for="verb4">-ed Verb:</label><br> 

      <input type="text" name="verb4" id="verb4"> 

      <label for="body3">Body Part:</label><br> 

      <input type="text" name="body3" id="body3"> 


      <button type="submit">Submit</button> 

     <img src="madlib.jpg" style= "width: 600px;heigth:600px" > 



      $clothing = $_GET["clothing"]; 
      $adj1 = $_GET["adj1"]; 
      $verb1 = $_GET["verb1"]; 
      $verb2 = $_GET["verb2"]; 
      $nickname = $_GET["nickname"]; 
      $race = $_GET["race"]; 
      $valued = $_GET["valued"]; 
      $body = $_GET["body"]; 
      $verb3 = $_GET["verb3"]; 
      $woman = $_GET["woman"]; 
      $occupation = $_GET["occupation"]; 
      $occupation2 = $_GET["occupation2"]; 
      $body2 = $_GET["body2"]; 
      $behavior = $_GET["behavior"]; 
      $nickname2 = $_GET["nickname2"]; 
      $verb4 = $_GET["verb4"]; 
      $body3 = $_GET["body3"]; 

      $message= "Once upon a time not long ago, where people wore $clothing and 
     lived life slow, when were $adj1 and justice stood, and people were $verb1 like they ought ta good. There lived a little boy who was $verb2 by another little boy and this is what he said: Me and you,$nickname we're gonna make some cash, robbing $race and making a dash.They did the job, $value came with ease. But one couldn't $body. It's like he had a disease. He $verb3 another and another and $woman and her brother;tried to rob a man who a/am $occupation. The $occupation2 grabbed his $body2 he started acting $behavior.He said, Keep still, $nickname2, no need for static, $verb4 him in his $body3 and he gave him a slap."; 

     echo $message;    

用戶$ _REQUEST而不是$ _GET .. –




$clothing = $_POST["clothing"]; 
$adj1 = $_POST["adj1"]; 
$verb1 = $_POST["verb1"]; 
$verb2 = $_POST["verb2"]; 





$clothing = $_POST["clothing"]; 


<form action="page2.php" method="post"> 


<form action="page2.php" method="get"> 

或在您的PHP使用$ _ POST變量:

$clothing = $_POST["clothing"]; 

您使用POST方法,所以你應該使用的代碼中使用<form method="post">和訪問數據的PHP做。

      $clothing = $_POST["clothing"]; 
      $adj1 = $_POST["adj1"]; 
      $verb1 = $_POST["verb1"]; 
      $verb2 = $_POST["verb2"]; 
      $nickname = $_POST["nickname"]; 
      $race = $_POST["race"]; 
      $valued = $_POST["valued"]; 
      $body = $_POST["body"]; 
      $verb3 = $_POST["verb3"]; 
      $woman = $_POST["woman"]; 
      $occupation = $_POST["occupation"]; 
      $occupation2 = $_POST["occupation2"]; 
      $body2 = $_POST["body2"]; 
      $behavior = $_POST["behavior"]; 
      $nickname2 =$_POST["nickname2"]; 
      $verb4 = $_POST["verb4"]; 
      $body3 = $_POST["body3"]; 

      $message= "Once upon a time not long ago, where people wore $clothing and 
     lived life slow, when were $adj1 and justice stood, and people were $verb1 like they ought ta good. There lived a little boy who was $verb2 by another little boy and this is what he said: Me and you,$nickname we're gonna make some cash, robbing $race and making a dash.They did the job, $value came with ease. But one couldn't $body. It's like he had a disease. He $verb3 another and another and $woman and her brother;tried to rob a man who a/am $occupation. The $occupation2 grabbed his $body2 he started acting $behavior.He said, Keep still, $nickname2, no need for static, $verb4 him in his $body3 and he gave him a slap."; 

     echo $message;    

如果讓我選擇,我可能不會使用$_REQUEST,我會選擇$_GET$_POST - 這取決於我的應用程序應該做的事情(i.e. one or the other, but not both):一般來說:

  • 你應該當有人從您的應用程序請求數據時使用$_GET
  • 而當有人推送(插入或更新;或刪除)數據到您的應用程序時,您應該使用$_POST


<form action="page2.php" method="get"> 

您使用POST方法,並與GET所獲得的價值 提交表單method.you應該得到兩個或POST都..
