2013-02-26 59 views




<!-- Form to add new customer --> 
<form class="form-inline customerForm"> 
    <span>Add New Customer</span> 
    <input type="text" data-bind="value: inputName" placeholder="Name" /> 
    <input type="text" class="date input-small" data-bind="value: inputDOB" placeholder="Date of Birth" /> 
    <input type="text" class="input-small" data-bind="value: inputPhone" placeholder="Phone" /> 
    <input type="text" data-bind="value: inputEmail" placeholder="Email" /> 
    <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" data-bind="click: submitCustomer">Add</button> 

<table class="table table-hover table-bordered customerTable"> 
      <th>Phone Number</th> 
    <tbody data-bind="foreach: customers"> 
      <td data-bind="text: name"></td> 
      <td data-bind="text: dob"></td> 
      <td data-bind="text: phone"></td> 
      <td data-bind="text: email"></td> 
      <td><button class="btn btn-danger btn-mini" data-bind="click: $root.removeCustomer">Delete</button></td> 


    // Load System for debugging 
    var system = require('durandal/system'); 

    // Customer Structure 
    function Customer(data) { 
     this.name = ko.observable(data.name); 
     this.dob = ko.observable(data.dob.substring(5,7) + '/' 
      + data.dob.substring(8,10) + '/' + data.dob.substring(0,4)); 
     this.phone = ko.observable(data.phone); 
     this.email = ko.observable(data.email); 

    // Form observables 
    var inputName = ko.observable(''); 
    var inputDOB = ko.observable(''); 
    var inputPhone = ko.observable(''); 
    var inputEmail = ko.observable(''); 
    // Customers array 
    var customers = ko.observableArray([]); 

    return { 
     inputName: inputName, 
     inputDOB: inputDOB, 
     inputPhone: inputPhone, 
     inputEmail: inputEmail, 
     customers: customers, 
     // This performs any needed functionality after the page loads 
     activate: function(data) { 
      // Change the selected nav item 

      // Get current customers from database and add to customers observableArray 
       // Backend script 
       // Variables sent to query.php 
        mode: 'select', 
        table: 'customers', 
        'fields[]': '*', 
        'values[]': '*' 
       // Callback function 
       function(data) { 
        var customer = $.map(data, function(item) {return new Customer(item) }); 

      // For some reason I couldn't get the datepicker to work without make the page 
      // wait 50 milliseconds. 
      setTimeout(function() { 




謝謝,保羅。我昨晚很晚。我忘了回覆添加答案。我從Durandal的創始人Rob Eisenberg那裏得到了答案。我的錯誤是我需要從.getJSON()調用返回承諾。我還需要在模塊中添加另一個函數viewAttached(),用於引用DOM中元素的所有jQuery調用。

這是Rob對Help with observableArray not updating in view的回覆。他們在這個小組中非常有幫助。 Rob很快回答大部分問題。


// Load System for debugging 
var system = require('durandal/system'); 

// Customer Structure 
function Customer(data) { 
    this.name = ko.observable(data.name); 
    this.dob = ko.observable(data.dob.substring(5,7) + '/' 
     + data.dob.substring(8,10) + '/' + data.dob.substring(0,4)); 
    this.phone = ko.observable(data.phone); 
    this.email = ko.observable(data.email); 

// Form observables 
var inputName = ko.observable(''); 
var inputDOB = ko.observable(''); 
var inputPhone = ko.observable(''); 
var inputEmail = ko.observable(''); 
// Customers array 
var customers = ko.observableArray([]); 

return { 
    inputName: inputName, 
    inputDOB: inputDOB, 
    inputPhone: inputPhone, 
    inputEmail: inputEmail, 
    customers: customers, 
    // This allows us to add jQuery as usual 
    viewAttached: function() { 
     // Change the selected nav item 

    // This performs any needed functionality after the page loads 
    activate: function(data) { 
     // Capture the module instance 
     var self = this; 

     // Get current customers from database and add to customers observableArray 
     var promise = $.getJSON(
      // Backend script 
      // Variables sent to query.php 
       mode: 'select', 
       table: 'customers', 
       'fields[]': '*', 
       'values[]': '*' 
      // Callback function 
      function(data) { 
       var customer = $.map(data, function(item) {return new Customer(item) }); 

     return promise; 
}); // define 

謝謝smalone。這是我正在尋找的解決方案。 – Blaise 2013-03-06 21:18:17


你很受歡迎。在我與之合作的幾周內,我對杜蘭達有了很多瞭解。這對於開發單頁面應用程序來說是一種救命。 – smalone 2013-03-21 21:40:09


太棒了。感謝您發佈解決方案 – ajeeshpu 2013-05-01 05:54:22


我不知道自發布問題以來是否更改了任何內容,但它適用於IE 9,Opera 12和Chrome。在IE 9中有一個錯誤,lines 45 and 46shell.jsevent.currentTarget.classList有時候是空的,所以你應該檢查一下,但是如果我去你的應用並點擊Customers,那麼表中就有數據。


我想通了,我的問題。我把它作爲上面的解決方案發布。感謝您檢查。 – smalone 2013-03-21 21:41:01
