例如:The fox is red.x________
編輯: 如果有幾條這樣的線?
The fox is red.x________
The fox is grey.x________
The fox is blue.x________
The fox is green.x________
例如:The fox is red.x________
編輯: 如果有幾條這樣的線?
The fox is red.x________
The fox is grey.x________
The fox is blue.x________
The fox is green.x________
text.gsub(/.\s*$/, "")
# => The fox is red.
# => The fox is grey.
# => The fox is blue.
# => The fox is green.
請注意,這種方法在結果字符串的末尾缺少換行符。 – toro2k
[rstrip ](http://www.ruby-doc.org/core-2.1.0/String.html#method-i-rstrip)和[chop](http://www.ruby-doc.org/core-2.1 .0/String.html#method-i-chop)會做。 – toro2k