我試圖將一個僞代碼翻譯成一個可用的Python文件。這些代碼雖然很小,但在其中已經導入了模塊,我希望儘可能保持原樣。當我運行腳本時,在輸入第一個數據之後,會立即發現回溯錯誤。我原來包含了我試圖翻譯的僞碼,但我認爲它導致了很多混亂,因此我將其刪除了。導入模塊並獲取python 2.7中的回溯錯誤
#accepts ID number, name of agent, and the number of bedrooms
#outputs ID, name, and commission amount
#MY python code with modules.
#this was my way of trying to define variables
#so the main program would accept them.... instead of except them.
QUIT = 9999
commissionEarned = float
comm3 = float (100.00)
comm2 = float (75.00)
comm1 = float (55.00)
commStudio = float (30.00)
import getReady
while salesPersonID != 9999:
import detailLoop
import finish
salesPersonID = float (raw_input ('Enter salesperson ID or 9999 to quit: '))
salesPersonName = float (raw_input ('Enter name: '))
numBedrooms = float (raw_input ('Enter number of bedrooms: '))
if numBedrooms >= 3:
commissionEarned = comm3
elif numBedrooms == 2:
commissionEarned = comm2
elif numBedrooms == 1:
commissionEarned = comm1
else commissionEarned == commStudio
print salesPersonID, salesPersonName, commissionEarned
salesPersonID = float (raw_input ('Enter name: '))
print 'End of Program'
這是ERROR .... IM SURE還有更多。
Python 2.7.9 (default, Dec 10 2014, 12:28:03) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)]
on win32
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.
>>> ================================ RESTART ================================
Enter salesperson ID or 9999 to quit: 1584
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\KirkandAngela\Desktop\Kirk\Find the bugs Ch4\DEBUG04-01.py",
line 8, in <module>
while salesPersonID != 9999:
NameError: name 'salesPersonID' is not defined
我對此很新。你是說我不能將模塊中的函數調用到程序中? – 2015-02-11 05:27:19