2016-11-22 19 views

我正在尋找一種方法來連接(或者合併)R中包含具有指定錯誤範圍的測量值的R中的兩個或多個數據幀。這意味着「by」列中的值將是nnn.nnnn +/- 0.000n。容錯限於3 e-6倍的值。按測量值連接數據幀並顯示錯誤範圍


newDF < - left_join(P0511_480k,P0511_SF00V,通過= C(P0511_480k $ MZ ==(P0511_SF00V $ MZ - 0.000003(P0511_480k $ MZ)):(P0511_SF00V $ MZ + 0.000003(P0511_480k $ MZ))))

在這個表達式中,我有兩個數據幀(P0511_480k和P0511_SF00V),我想通過名爲「mz」的列合併它們。值的可接受範圍是正數或負數「m.z」乘以0.000003。例如,P0511_480k_subset $ m.z = 187.06162應該與P0511_SF00V_subset $ m.z = 187.06155相匹配。

> dput(head(P0511_480k_subset, 10)) 
structure(list(m.z = c(187.06162, 203.05652, 215.05668, 217.07224, 
279.05499), Intensity = c(319420.8, 288068.9, 229953, 210107.8, 
180054), Relative = c(100, 90.18, 71.99, 65.78, 56.37), Resolution = c(394956.59, 
415308.31, 387924.91, 437318.31, 410670.91), Baseline = c(2.1, 
1.43, 1.69, 1.73, 3.04), Noise = c(28.03, 27.17, 27.52, 27.58, 
29.37)), .Names = c("m.z", "Intensity", "Relative", "Resolution", 
"Baseline", "Noise"), class = c("tbl_df", "data.frame"), row.names = c(NA, 

> dput(head(P0511_SF00V_subset, 10)) 
structure(list(m.z = c(187.06155, 203.05641, 215.05654, 217.0721 
), Intensity = c(1021342.8, 801347.1, 662928.1, 523234.2), Relative = c(100, 
78.46, 64.91, 51.23), Resolution = c(314271.88, 298427.41, 289803.97, 
288163.63), Baseline = c(6.89, 10.47, 9.13, 8.89), Noise = c(40.94, 
45.98, 44.3, 44.01)), .Names = c("m.z", "Intensity", "Relative", 
"Resolution", "Baseline", "Noise"), class = c("tbl_df", "data.frame" 
), row.names = c(NA, -4L)) 




請使用'dput()'或'dput(head(df,20))'提供您的數據(或其子集)。另外,當你進行乘法運算時(即使數字在括號之前),你需要指定'*' – etienne


查看[* fuzzyjoin * package](https://github.com/dgrtwo/fuzzyjoin),它是dplyr的加入操作的變體。 – aosmith


我認爲你需要像'data.table :: foverlaps()',提供數據和預期的輸出。 – zx8754




df1$m.z <- sapply(df1$m.z, function(x) 
        # First check if the element lies within tolerance limits of any element in df2 
        ifelse(min(abs(df2$m.z - x), na.rm=TRUE) < 0.000003 * x, 
        # If yes, replace that element in df1 with the matching element in df2 
        df2[which.min(abs(df2$m.z - x)),"m.z"], 0) 
df3 <- merge(df1, df2) 

是的,但是sapply將mz值轉換爲列表。 –


因此,我添加了「df1 $ m.z < - as.numeric(df1 $ m.z)」。它似乎可行,但考慮到我有5個數據幀要合併,這個過程很笨拙。 –


我明白了。我同意它會有點混亂,但我會使用for循環或lapply 5個數據幀。 –