Oracle。oracle alter type編譯錯誤
create or replace
type string_varray as varray(200) of varchar2(1000);
alter type string_varray MODIFY (varray(1000) of varchar2(1000)) cascade;
Error starting at line 4 in command:
alter type string_varray MODIFY (varray(1000) of varchar2(1000)) cascade
Error report:
SQL Error: ORA-22324: altered type has compilation errors
ORA-22328: object "DSC_APP"."STRING_VARRAY" has errors.
PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "(" when expecting one of the following:
limit element
22324. 00000 - "altered type has compilation errors"
*Cause: The use of the ALTER TYPE statement caused a compilation error.
*Action: Correct the error reported and resubmit the statement.
如果我嘗試通過改變類型來減小字符串string_varray修改限制500級聯;我得到一個錯誤,VARRAY的限制只能增加到2147483647 –