2016-03-02 34 views
<li>(a) mines, quarries, and other works for the extraction of minerals from the earth;</li> 
<li>(b) industries in which articles are manufactured, altered, cleaned, repaired, ornamented, finished, adapted for sale, broken up or demolished, or in which materials are transformed; including shipbuilding and the generation, transformation and transmission of electricity or motive power of any kind;</li> 
<li>(c) construction, reconstruction, maintenance, repair, alteration, or demolition of any building, railway, tramway, harbour, dock, pier, canal, inland waterway, road, tunnel, bridge, viaduct, sewer, drain, well, telegraphic or telephonic installation, electrical undertaking, gas work, water work, or other work of construction, as well as the preparation for or laying the foundations of any such work or structure;</li> 
<li>(d) transport of passengers or goods by road, rail, or inland waterway, including the handling of goods at docks, quays, wharves or warehouses, but excluding transport by hand.</li> 



'UL {列表樣式:無}的[極品沒有任何子彈的無序列表]' – RRR


可能的複製(HTTP:/ /stackoverflow.com/questions/1027354/need-an-unordered-list-without-any-bullets) –


請參考這個問題上提到的答案:http://stackoverflow.com/a/1027367/2555668 –




    ul { 
     list-style: none; 

我如何添加到HTML?我是CSS新手。 – CJ7


這太棒了。謝謝你的幫助。 – CJ7
