var stateData = {}, image = $('#my-image')
// color: the color to render the area
// selected: true or false
function setState(selected, key, color) {
stateData[key] = fillColor;
image.mapster('set',selected,key, {fillColor: color });
var activeKeys = image.mapster('get'); // returns a comma-separated list
var activeStates = [];
for(var key in activeKeys.split(',')) {
state: key,
color: stateData[key]
// now activeStates is an array of objects, one for each selected area,
// containing the area key and the color. Save this info to your db.
對不起,但研究後,我看不到如何attachState函數。 這是我的地圖:http://aotest3.com/tema/county-map.html – Robert