在腳本A:陷阱函數看起來像下面這將調用scriptA.sh中的trap_mesg()函數。 KILL信號(2/INTerrupt,5/TERMinate-default)。所有的,你所要做的就是獲得乳寧scriptB.sh進程/會話的PID一旦scriptB.sh從scriptA.sh稱爲(nohup的...... &會給你或使用ps命令)
#...do something here for script B..
# i.e.
kill -2 PID_of_ScriptB.sh_running_process_session
sleep 10; #just in case, not reqd though.
#show using ps -eAf|grep "scriptB" ... if null means, scriptB is gone. user is happy now.
#...before actually exiting out...
#show script A is exiting out as ScriptB is dead already, time for scriptA now.
#...do something here..
## Trap signals : INT, TERM. catch ##
#Set NULL/Blank value to trap_call. This variable will help in running trap_mesg only once during the life of this script.
trap 'if [ -z ${trap_call} ]; then trap_call="1"; trap_mesg ; fi' 2 15
echo "karoge seva to milega meva";
rm -fr /some/folder_file
#...do something here JUST for script B trap message work..
# i.e.
#...do something here..
## Trap signals : INT, TERM. catch ##
#Set NULL/Blank value to trap_call. This variable will help in running trap_mesg only once during the life of this script.
trap 'if [ -z ${trap_call} ]; then trap_call="1"; trap_mesg ; fi' 2 15
這樣,你不要有源/內scriptA.sh稱scriptB.sh爲 「scriptB.sh ......」
:(1)從bash的第一位看起來像一個解釋。另外,* zsh *似乎可以正常工作。 – 2010-03-27 00:35:05
對不起,這個遲到的答案。你是對的,並不是所有的信號都能夠被孩子接受,但有一些。 SIGUSR1和SIGTERM一起工作,但並不是所有的bash版本,因爲我在bash 3.00.16的腳本中發現了一個段錯誤,試圖從父親發送信號給兒子!其他時候使用相同的版本,它只會忽略沒有捕捉到的信號(在兒童級別)。但是更新的版本可以正常工作並正確傳播所有信號。非常感謝您的幫助 – Debugger 2010-03-30 01:13:16
好。運行scriptA外殼腳本並調用scriptB(源代碼),如「。scriptB.sh param1 param2 .. paramN」,這樣它就會清除Sig 2/INT – 2013-06-18 18:55:47