public class ExampleClass {
// class member variables
ArrayList<String> strArrayOne;
ArrayLIst<String> strArrayTwo;
public ExampleClass()[
strArrayOne = new ArrayList<String>();
strArrayTwo = new ArrayList<String>();
// create instance of nested class passing in the required ArrayList in constructor
NestedInnerClass testInstance = new NestedInnerClass(strArrayOne);
// nested inner class
public class NestedInnerClass{
// class member variable
ArrayList<String> memberArray = new ArrayList<String>();
// constructor
public NestedInnerClass(ArrayList<String> inputArray){
memberArray = inputArray;
// put code here to determine with reflection which of the
// two outer class variables is being passed in strArrayOne or strArrayTwo?
} // end nested inner class
} // end outer class
爲什麼反射? 'inputArray == strArrayOne'應該足夠了 – Selvin
此外,爲什麼不在內部類方法中使用實際的成員變量? – weltraumpirat
這些都是很好的問題,我想這個工作比反思有更好的工具。 – Kevik