topicIdx, recordIdx, other fields...
topicIdx和recordIdx是連續的,從零開始,並在每次迭代遞增+1,所以很容易找到他們的文件。 (不需要搜索;只需按順序向前遞增)。
for each line in fileA
store line in String itemsA
get topicIdx and recordIdx
find line in fileB with same topicIdx and recordIdx
if exists
store this line in string itemsB
for each item in itemsA
compare value with same index in itemsB
if these two items are not virtually equal
//do something
//do something else
void checkData(){
FileReader FileReaderA;
FileReader FileReaderB;
int topicIdx = 0;
int recordIdx = 0;
try {
int numLines = 0;
FileReaderA = new FileReader("B:\\mypath\\fileA.txt");
FileReaderB = new FileReader("B:\\mypath\\fileB.txt");
BufferedReader readerA = new BufferedReader(FileReaderA);
BufferedReader readerB = new BufferedReader(FileReaderB);
String lineA = null;
while ((lineA = readerA.readLine()) != null) {
if (lineA != null && !lineA.isEmpty()) {
List<String> itemsA = Arrays.asList(lineA.split("\\s*,\\s*"));
topicIdx = Integer.parseInt(itemsA.get(0));
recordIdx = Integer.parseInt(itemsA.get(1));
String lineB = null;
//lineB = readerB.readLine();//i know this syntax is wrong
setB = rows from FileReaderB where itemsB.get(0).equals(itemsA.get(0));
for each lineB in setB{
List<String> itemsB = Arrays.asList(lineB.split("\\s*,\\s*"));
for(int m = 0;m<itemsB.size();m++){}
for(int j=0;j<itemsA.size();j++){
double myDblA = Double.parseDouble(itemsA.get(j));
double myDblB = Double.parseDouble(itemsB.get(j));
//do something
} catch (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace();}
如果您正在比較數據,請逐行進行。如果您正在比較二進制文件或文件,請逐字節進行。我的直覺告訴我行結尾是我認爲你還不知道的事情。 –
我會先用Java代碼替換僞代碼 –
對於像這樣的操作,Java太慢了。你應該把它寫在彙編中。 :) – Jashaszun