2015-05-20 18 views




public class QTwoAssiThree 
    private int numerator; 
    private int denominator; 

    public void writeOutput() 
     if (getGCD(numerator, denominator) >= 2) 
      System.out.println(toString() + " is the simplified rational number."); 
      System.out.println(getValue() + " is the value of the two rational numbers as one number."); 
      System.out.println((getGCD(numerator, denominator) * 2) + " is the largest common factor."); 
     else if (getGCD(numerator, denominator) == 1) 
      System.out.println(getValue() + " is the value of the two rational numbers as one number."); 
    public QTwoAssiThree() 
     numerator = 0; 
     denominator = 0; 
    public QTwoAssiThree(int initialNum, int initialDenom) 
     if (denominator % 2 == 0) 
      numerator = initialNum; 
      if (initialDenom > 0) 
       denominator = initialDenom; 
       System.out.println(toString() + " is the rational number entered."); 
       simplify(numerator, denominator); 
       System.out.println("Invalid value added as the denominator! Only positive integers should be used."); 
     else if (denominator % 2 == 1) 
      System.out.println(toString() + " is what was entered, and is already in its simplest form."); 
    private void simplify(int newNum, int newDenom) 
     numerator = newNum/getGCD(newNum, newDenom); 
     denominator = newDenom/getGCD(newNum, newDenom); 
    private static int getGCD(int x, int y) 
     int difference = x % y; 

     return difference; 
    private double getValue() 
     double doubleValue = (double)numerator/(double)denominator; 

     return doubleValue; 
    public String toString() 
     String fraction = Integer.toString(numerator) + "/" + Integer.toString(denominator); 

     return fraction; 

現在,請忽略的事實是,我依然對知識的Java程序員規模偏低。我很感激任何關於此的指針,因爲我陷入困境,無法真正弄清楚如何設置它。有兩個地方我使用if-else來查看它是否有效,第一個地址是: public void writeOutput()public QTwoAssiThree(int initialNum, int initialDenom)構造函數。最初沒有任何if-else陳述,但代碼確實工作,但不適用於不均勻的整數。

public class QTwoAssiThreeDemo 
    public static void main(String[] args) 
     QTwoAssiThree rationalNumbers = new QTwoAssiThree(72, 14); 




72/14 is the rational number entered. 
    36/7 is the simplified rational number. 
    5.142857143 is the value of the two rational numbers as one number. 
    2 is the largest common factor. 

72/13 is what was entered, and is already in its simplest form. 
    5.538461538 is the value of the two rational numbers as one number. 



首先,......你實現*錯* GCD算法('getGCD'):如果你給什麼'14'和'72',而不是'72'和'14 '?另一個反例是'4'和'2' –


我認爲'getGCD()'有問題,你能說出它該做什麼嗎? – theRoot


你的問題在'getGCD()'中,以及你正在'writeOutput()'中以最簡單的理性形式 – Prashant




  1. 構造必須只能用來初始化對象
  2. 改變的GCD功能繼refered鏈接
  3. 您可以添加的內部構造的簡化功能(因爲它重新初始化了這些值)
  4. 使用try和catch塊來檢查它們是否是有效的輸入否則拋出Exceptions


public class QTwoAssiThree { 
    private int numerator; 
    private int denominator; 

    public void writeOutput() { 

     System.out.println(toString() + " is the rational number entered."); 
     if (simplify(numerator, denominator)>1) 
      System.out.println(toString()+ " is the simplified rational number."); 
      System.out.println(toString()+ " is what was entered, and is already in its simplest form."); 
     System.out .println(getValue() +" is the value of the two rational numbers as one number."); 

    public QTwoAssiThree() { 
     numerator = 0; 
     denominator = 0; 

    public QTwoAssiThree(int initialNum, int initialDenom) { 

     numerator = initialNum; 
     denominator = initialDenom; 
     if (initialDenom <= 0) { 
        .println("Invalid value added as the denominator! Only positive integers should be used."); 

    private int simplify(int newNum, int newDenom) { 
     int gcd = getGCD(newNum, newDenom); 
     numerator = newNum/gcd; 
     denominator = newDenom/gcd; 
     return gcd; 

    private static int getGCD(int x, int y) { 

     if (y == 0) { 
      return x; 
     return getGCD(y, x % y); 

    private double getValue() { 
     double doubleValue = (double) numerator/(double) denominator; 

     return doubleValue; 

    public String toString() { 
     String fraction = Integer.toString(numerator) + "/" 
       + Integer.toString(denominator); 

     return fraction; 

呵呵,我剛剛開始重寫所有的東西,我在簡化方法中也創建了一個private int。感謝您的幫助,並不認爲這很簡單。 –


@HAXORvault不要讓塊複雜...樂於幫助! :) – theRoot