雖然我在PHP source發現了一個叫gmp_root(a, nth)
雖然我在PHP source發現了一個叫gmp_root(a, nth)
原始來源:Calculating Nth root with bcmath in PHP –感謝和信用到HamZa!
function gmp_nth_root($num, $n) {
if ($n < 1) return 0; // we want positive exponents
if ($num <= 0) return 0; // we want positive numbers
if ($num < 2) return 1; // n-th root of 1 or 2 give 1
// g is our guess number
$g = 2;
// while (g^n < num) g=g*2
while (gmp_cmp(gmp_pow($g, $n), $num) < 0) {
$g = gmp_mul($g, 2);
// if (g^n==num) num is a power of 2, we're lucky, end of job
if (gmp_cmp(gmp_pow($g, $n), $num) == 0) {
return $g;
// if we're here num wasn't a power of 2 :(
$og = $g; // og means original guess and here is our upper bound
$g = gmp_div($g, 2); // g is set to be our lower bound
$step = gmp_div(gmp_sub($og, $g), 2); // step is the half of upper bound - lower bound
$g = gmp_add($g, $step); // we start at lower bound + step , basically in the middle of our interval
// while step != 1
while (gmp_cmp($step, 1) > 0) {
$guess = gmp_pow($g, $n);
$step = gmp_div($step, 2);
$comp = gmp_cmp($guess, $num); // compare our guess with real number
if ($comp < 0) { // if guess is lower we add the new step
$g = gmp_add($g, $step);
} else if ($comp == 1) { // if guess is higher we sub the new step
$g = gmp_sub($g, $step);
} else { // if guess is exactly the num we're done, we return the value
return $g;
// whatever happened, g is the closest guess we can make so return it
return $g;
** + 1個**爲知識庫共享(Q&A)。 –
1)請說清楚你說的是整數。 2)您對PHP源代碼的評論不清楚,它似乎在您的鏈接中實現。你的意思是代碼還沒有包含在發行版中嗎? 3)在問題中明確說明,而不僅僅是標籤,你想在PHP中計算根。從你的問題的標題,答案是'mpz_root'。你很高興分享你的想法,但你需要花時間正確地寫下問題,否則答案將被浪費。 –
@MarcGlisse感謝您的評論。你說得對,我沒有花足夠的時間。我希望現在編輯後的問題和答案更好。隨意做進一步的言論或自己編輯帖子;) – ComFreek