1)那麼有這樣的權利嗎? - >種類 多值屬性列表大小在索引時限制在20K左右(這是您的情況,因爲您將針對訂閱者ID運行查詢)What is maximum size/limitation of ListProperty for Google App Engine datastore? 總結一下,您將在這種用例中遇到的限制是: - 索引的多值屬性的大小(20K) - 實體大小(1MB) - 這應該是OK,除非你存儲BLOB在那裏
2)故障將需要人工處理,因爲我不不瞭解任何持久性框架。 Objectify是GAE數據存儲專用的唯一持久性框架,具有這種功能,但我沒有使用它,儘管如此IDK。
3)您需要清楚地理解推動您在GAE數據存儲上建模用例的約束條件。 在我看來,你仍然深受關係數據庫建模的影響:
由於您正在爲數百萬用戶進行規劃,因此您正在構建應用程序的規模和性能。這些「連接」恰恰是您必須避免的,這就是爲什麼您首先不使用RDBMS的原因。 重點是:DUPLICATE!非規範化以便您的數據與您的用例相匹配。
public class UserEntity {
@Id Key id;
String name;
/** INDEXED : to retrieve a user by display name */
String displayName;
/** For the sake of the example below */
int tweetCount;
* USE CASE : See a user's followers from his "profile" page.
* Easily get subscribers data from your user entity.
* Duplicate UserEntity (this object) 's data in the UserSubscriberEntity.
* You just need to run an ancestor query on UserSubscriberEntity using the User id.
List<UserSubscriberChildEntity> subscribers;
/** Duplicate user data in this entity, retrieved easily with an ancestor query */
public class UserSubscriberChildEntity {
/** The id of this entity */
@Id Key subscriberId;
/** Duplicate your User Entity data */
String name;
String displayName;
/** The id from the UserEntity referenced */
String userId;
public class TweetEntity {
@Id Key id;
* The actual text message
String tweetContent;
* USE CASE : display the tweet maker name alongside the tweet content.
* Duplicate user data to prevent an expensive join when not needed.
* You will always need to display this along with the tweet content !
* Model your entity based on what you want to see when you display them
String tweetMakerName;
String tweetMakerDisplayName;
* 1) to retrieve tweets MADE by a given user
* 2) In case you actually need to access the User entity
* (for example, if you remove this tweet and want to decrease the user tweet counter)
Key tweetMakerId;
* USE CASE : display tweet subscribers from the "tweet page"
* Same as "UserSubscriberChildEntity", retrieve data fast by duplicating
List<TweetSubscriberChildEntity> subscribers;
現在的核心問題: 你如何找回「所有的鳴叫一個用戶訂閱了」?
* Pseudo code
public class TweetService {
public List<TweetEntity> getTweetsSubscribed(Key userId) {
List<TweetEntity> tweetsFollowed = new ArrayList<TweetEntity>;
// Get all the subscriptions from a user
List<TweetSubscriberShardedEntity> shards = datastoreService.find("from TweetSubscriberShardedEntity where userKeys contains (userId)");
// Iterate over each subscription to retrieve the complete Tweet
for (TweetSubscriberShardedEntity shard : shards) {
TweetEntity tweet = datastoreService.get(TweetEntity.class, shard.getTweetId);
return tweetsFollowed;
public void subscribeToTweet(Key subscriberId, Key tweetId) {
TweetSubscriberShardedEntity shardToUse = null;
// Only get the first shard with under 20000 subscribers
TweetSubscriberShardedEntity shardNotFull = datastoreService.find("
FROM TweetSubscriberShardedEntity
WHERE tweetId == tweetId
AND userKeys contains (subscriberId)
AND subscribersCount < 20000
LIMIT 1");
if (shardNotFull == null) {
// If no shard exist create one
shardToUse = new TweetSubscriberShardedEntity();
else {
shardToUse = shardNotFull;
// Link user and tweet
// Save shard
* Hard to put in a transaction with so many entities updated !
* See cross entity group docs for more info.
public void createTweet(UserEntity creator, TweetEntity newTweet) {
newTweet.tweetMakerName = creator.name;
newTweet.tweetMakerDisplayName = creator.displayName;
newTweet.tweetMakerId = creator.id;
// Duplicate User subscribers to Tweet
for(UserSubscriberChildEntity userSubscriber : creator.subcribers) {
// Create a Tweet child entity
TweetSubscriberChildEntity tweetSubscriber = new TweetSubscriberChildEntity();
tweetSubscriber.name = userSubscriber.name;
// ... (duplicate all data)
// Create a shard with the previous method !!
subscribeToTweet(newTweet.id, subscriber.id);
// Update the user (tweet count)
// Create the new tweet and child entities (duplicated subscribers data)
樣品鳴叫服務?然後,爲了確保我的使用案例正確:人們可以訂閱他們尚未訂閱的人的推文嗎?我的意思是用戶可以在'TweetIndex'而不是'User'嗎? – 2014-03-11 16:42:06
好吧,我明白了,多值屬性大小是有限的,當他們被索引(看起來更像20K雖然):http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20200307/what-is-maximum-size-limitation-of-listproperty- for-google-app-engine-datastore – 2014-03-11 17:16:23