2015-07-13 57 views



From: xxxxxx 
Gender: xxxxxx 
Age: >18 - 24 
Phone Day: xxxxxx 
Address: xxxxx 





on _main() 
\t set mm to {} 
\t tell application "Mail" 
\t \t repeat with m in (get selection) 
\t \t \t set mm's end to m's content & linefeed 
\t \t end repeat 
\t end tell 
\t set r to my _retrieve_data(mm) 
\t do shell script "printf '%s' " & r's quoted form & " > ~/desktop/$(date +scores_%F_%H%M%S.csv)" 
\t return r 
end _main 

on _retrieve_data(mm) 
\t (* 
     list mm : list of message text 
\t script o 
\t \t property pp : mm 
\t \t property qq : {} 
\t \t property rr : {} 
\t \t property boundary : do shell script "uuidgen" without altering line endings -- UUID & LF 
\t \t property batch : 50 -- number of messages to be processed at once; combined text should not exceed ca. 200K 
\t \t 
\t \t -- divide messages into batches 
\t \t repeat with i from 1 to count my pp by batch 
\t \t \t set j to i + batch - 1 
\t \t \t if j > (count my pp) then set j to -1 
\t \t \t set my qq's end to my pp's items i thru j 
\t \t end repeat 
\t \t 
\t \t -- retrieve data per batch 
\t \t repeat with q in my qq 
\t \t \t set my rr's end to do shell script "perl -CSDA -w <<'EOF' - " & boundary's quoted form & " 
use strict; 
local $\\ = qq(\\n); 
local $, = qq(,); 

my $boundary = shift; 
my @data =(); 
my ($new, $complete, $i) = (1, 0, -1); 
while (<DATA>) { 
    next if ! ($new ||= $_ =~ /^$boundary$/) && $complete; 
    if ($new) { 
     ($new, $complete) = (0, 0); 
\t /^From:\\s*(.+?)\\s*$/o   && do { $data[$i]{from} = $1; next; }; 
\t /^Gender:\\s*(.+?)\\s*$/o   && do { $data[$i]{gender} = $1; next; }; 
\t /^Age:\\s*(.+?)\\s*$/o   && do { $data[$i]{age} = $1; next; }; 
\t /^Mobile:\\s*(.+?)\\s*$/o   && do { $data[$i]{mobile} = $1; next; }; 
\t /^Phone Day:\\s*(.+?)\\s*$/o  && do { $data[$i]{phoneday} = $1; next; }; 
\t /^Address:\\s*(.+?)\\s*$/o  && do { $data[$i]{address1} = $1; next; character id(200);}; 
\t /^Address:\\s*(.+?)\\s*$/o  && do { $data[$i]{address2} = $1; next; }; 
\t /^Address:\\s*(.+?)\\s*$/o   && do { $data[$i]{address3} = $1; next; }; 
\t /^Address:\\s*(.+?)\\s*$/o  && do { $data[$i]{address4} = $1; next; }; 

    /^Email:\\s*(.+?)\\s*$/o   && do { $data[$i]{email} = $1; next; }; 
    /^I would like to be kept up to date on future Eden events, competitions and special offers\\s*(.+?)\\s*$/o   && do { $data[$i]{eden} = $1; next; }; 
    /^I would like to be kept up to date on future Kuoni events, competitions and special offers\\s*(.+?)\\s*$/o   && do { $data[$i]{Kuoni} = $1; next; }; 


$complete = (0 + keys %{$data[$i]} == 12); 





my @keys = ('from', 'gender', 'age', 'mobile', 'phoneday', 'address1', 'address2','address3','address4','email', 'eden', 'kuoni'); 
print map { s/\"/\"\"/og; qq(\"$_\") } @keys; 

for (@data) { 
    print map { $_ = '' unless defined $_; s/\"/\"\"/og; qq(\"$_\") } @{$_}{@keys}; 
" & _join(q, boundary) & " 
EOF" without altering line endings 
\t \t end repeat 
\t \t 
\t \t -- combine data from each batch 
\t \t set r to my rr's item 1 -- include header 
\t \t repeat with i from 2 to count my rr -- exclude header for rest 
\t \t \t set r to r & my rr's item i's text from paragraph 2 to text -1 
\t \t end repeat 
\t \t return r 
\t end script 
\t tell o to run 
end _retrieve_data 

on _join(tt, d) 
\t (* 
     list tt : source list 
     string d : separator 
     return string : tt joined with d 
\t local astid0, t 
\t try 
\t \t set {astid0, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, {} & d} 
\t \t set t to "" & tt 
\t \t set AppleScript's text item delimiters to astid0 
\t on error errs number errn 
\t \t set AppleScript's text item delimiters to astid0 
\t \t error errs number errn 
\t end try 
\t return t 
end _join 


on _main() 
    set mm to {} 
    tell application "Mail" 
     repeat with m in (get selection) 
      set mm's end to m's content & linefeed 
     end repeat 
    end tell 
    set r to my _retrieve_data(mm) 
    do shell script "printf '%s' " & r's quoted form & " > ~/desktop/$(date +list_%F_%H%M%S.csv)" 
    return r 
end _main 

on _retrieve_data(mm) 
     list mm : list of message text 
    script o 
     property pp : mm 
     property qq : {} 
     property rr : {} 
     property boundary : do shell script "uuidgen" without altering line endings -- UUID & LF 
     property batch : 50 -- number of messages to be processed at once; combined text should not exceed ca. 200K 

     -- divide messages into batches 
     repeat with i from 1 to count my pp by batch 
      set j to i + batch - 1 
      if j > (count my pp) then set j to -1 
      set my qq's end to my pp's items i thru j 
     end repeat 

     -- retrieve data per batch 
     repeat with q in my qq 
      set my rr's end to do shell script "perl -CSDA -w <<'EOF' - " & boundary's quoted form & " 
use strict; 
local $\\ = qq(\\n); 
local $, = qq(,); 

my $boundary = shift; 
my @data =(); 
my ($new, $complete, $i, $j) = (1, 0, -1, 0); 
while (<DATA>) { 
    next if ! ($new ||= $_ =~ /^$boundary$/) && $complete; 
    if ($new) { 
     ($new, $complete) = (0, 0); 

    /^From:\\s*(.+?)\\s*$/o   && do { $data[$i]{from}  = $1; $j=0; next; }; 
    /^Gender:\\s*(.+?)\\s*$/o  && do { $data[$i]{gender} = $1; $j=0; next; }; 
    /^Age:\\s*(.+?)\\s*$/o   && do { $data[$i]{age}  = $1; $j=0; next; }; 
    /^Mobile:\\s*(.+?)\\s*$/o  && do { $data[$i]{mobile} = $1; $j=0; next; }; 
    /^Phone Day:\\s*(.+?)\\s*$/o && do { $data[$i]{phoneday} = $1; $j=0; next; }; 
    /^Email:\\s*(.+?)\\s*$/o  && do { $data[$i]{email} = $1; $j=0; next; }; 

    /^I would like to be kept up to date on future Eden events, competitions and special offers\\s*(.+?)\\s*$/o 
            && do { $data[$i]{eden}  = $1; next; }; 
    /^I would like to be kept up to date on future Kuoni events, competitions and special offers\\s*(.+?)\\s*$/o 
            && do { $data[$i]{kuoni} = $1; next; }; 

    /^Address:\\s*(.+?)\\s*$/o  && do { $data[$i]{address1} = $1; $j=1; next; }; 
    $j == 1 && /^\\s*(.+?)\\s*$/o && do { $data[$i]{address2} = $1; $j++; next; }; 
    $j == 2 && /^\\s*(.+?)\\s*$/o && do { $data[$i]{address3} = $1; $j++; next; }; 
    $j == 3 && /^\\s*(.+?)\\s*$/o && do { $data[$i]{address4} = $1; $j++; next; }; 

    $complete = (0 + keys %{$data[$i]} == 12); 

my @keys = ('from', 'gender', 'age', 'mobile', 'phoneday', 'address1', 'address2','address3','address4','email', 'eden', 'kuoni'); 
print map { s/\"/\"\"/og; qq(\"$_\") } @keys; 

for (@data) { 
    print map { $_ = '' unless defined $_; s/\"/\"\"/og; qq(\"$_\") } @{$_}{@keys}; 
" & _join(q, boundary) & " 
EOF" without altering line endings 
     end repeat 

     -- combine data from each batch 
     set r to my rr's item 1 -- include header 
     repeat with i from 2 to count my rr -- exclude header for rest 
      set r to r & my rr's item i's text from paragraph 2 to text -1 
     end repeat 
     return r 
    end script 
    tell o to run 
end _retrieve_data 

on _join(tt, d) 
     list tt : source list 
     string d : separator 
     return string : tt joined with d 
    local astid0, t 
     set {astid0, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, {} & d} 
     set t to "" & tt 
     set AppleScript's text item delimiters to astid0 
    on error errs number errn 
     set AppleScript's text item delimiters to astid0 
     error errs number errn 
    end try 
    return t 
end _join 




on _main() 
\t set mm to {} 
\t tell application "Mail" 
\t \t repeat with m in (get selection) 
\t \t \t set mm's end to m's content & linefeed 
\t \t end repeat 
\t end tell 
\t set r to my _retrieve_data(mm) 
\t do shell script "printf '%s' " & r's quoted form & " > ~/desktop/$(date +list_%F_%H%M%S.csv)" 
\t return r 
end _main 

on _retrieve_data(mm) 
\t (* 
     list mm : list of message text 
\t script o 
\t \t property pp : mm 
\t \t property qq : {} 
\t \t property rr : {} 
\t \t property boundary : do shell script "uuidgen" without altering line endings -- UUID & LF 
\t \t property batch : 50 -- number of messages to be processed at once; combined text should not exceed ca. 200K 
\t \t 
\t \t -- divide messages into batches 
\t \t repeat with i from 1 to count my pp by batch 
\t \t \t set j to i + batch - 1 
\t \t \t if j > (count my pp) then set j to -1 
\t \t \t set my qq's end to my pp's items i thru j 
\t \t end repeat 
\t \t 
\t \t -- retrieve data per batch 
\t \t repeat with q in my qq 
\t \t \t set my rr's end to do shell script "perl -CSDA -w <<'EOF' - " & boundary's quoted form & " 
use strict; 
local $\\ = qq(\\n); 
local $, = qq(,); 

my $boundary = shift; 
my @data =(); 
my ($new, $complete, $i, $j) = (1, 0, -1, 0); 
while (<DATA>) { 
    next if ! ($new ||= $_ =~ /^$boundary$/) && $complete; 
    if ($new) { 
     ($new, $complete) = (0, 0); 
/^From:\\s*(.+?)\\s*$/o   && do { $data[$i]{from}  = $1; $j=0; next; }; 
/^Gender:\\s*(.+?)\\s*$/o  && do { $data[$i]{gender} = $1; $j=0; next; }; 
/^Age:\\s*(.+?)\\s*$/o   && do { $data[$i]{age}  = $1; $j=0; next; }; 
/^Mobile:\\s*(.+?)\\s*$/o  && do { $data[$i]{mobile} = $1; $j=0; next; }; 
/^Phone Day:\\s*(.+?)\\s*$/o && do { $data[$i]{phoneday} = $1; $j=0; next; }; 
/^Email:\\s*(.+?)\\s*$/o  && do { $data[$i]{email} = $1; $j=0; next; }; 
    /^Address:\\s*(.+?)\\s*$/o  && do { $data[$i]{address1} = $1; $j=1; next; }; 
    $j == 1 && /^\\s*(.+?)\\s*$/o && do { $data[$i]{address2} = $1; $j++; next; }; 
    $j == 2 && /^\\s*(.+?)\\s*$/o && do { $data[$i]{address3} = $1; $j++; next; }; 
    $j == 3 && /^\\s*(.+?)\\s*$/o && do { $data[$i]{address4} = $1; $j++; next; }; 
/^I would like to be kept up to date on future Eden events, competitions and special offers\\s*$/o 
            && do { $data[$i]{eden}  = '1'; $j=0; next; }; 
    /^I would like to be kept up to date on future Kuoni events, competitions and special offers\\s*$/o 
            && do { $data[$i]{kuoni} = '1'; $j=0; next; }; 
\t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t 
$complete = (0 + keys %{$data[$i]} == 12); 

my @keys = ('from','gender','age','mobile','phoneday','email','address1','address2','address3','address4','eden','kuoni'); 
print map { s/\"/\"\"/og; qq(\"$_\") } @keys; 

for (@data) { 
    print map { $_ = '' unless defined $_; s/\"/\"\"/og; qq(\"$_\") } @{$_}{@keys}; 
" & _join(q, boundary) & " 
EOF" without altering line endings 
\t \t end repeat 
\t \t 
\t \t -- combine data from each batch 
\t \t set r to my rr's item 1 -- include header 
\t \t repeat with i from 2 to count my rr -- exclude header for rest 
\t \t \t set r to r & my rr's item i's text from paragraph 2 to text -1 
\t \t end repeat 
\t \t return r 
\t end script 
\t tell o to run 
end _retrieve_data 

on _join(tt, d) 
\t (* 
     list tt : source list 
     string d : separator 
     return string : tt joined with d 
\t local astid0, t 
\t try 
\t \t set {astid0, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, {} & d} 
\t \t set t to "" & tt 
\t \t set AppleScript's text item delimiters to astid0 
\t on error errs number errn 
\t \t set AppleScript's text item delimiters to astid0 
\t \t error errs number errn 
\t end try 
\t return t 
end _join