以及我使這個系統有一個表,我必須把按鈕放在最後一列。我一直在研究,但我看到的所有代碼都很混亂。有一個壽,但仍然有一些我不明白的部分。這裏的地方我知道了http://www.javaquery.com/2013/05/how-to-implement-jbutton-in-jtable.html更簡單的方法來添加jbutton jtable
String[] InvoiceArray = new String[20];
//Declare above variable globally. Used by two-three methods. Change variable name as per your need.
* import the ButtonColumn class if you are not working in IDE
* I used formWindowOpened event to load content in Jtable but you can use other event.
* All you need is put the code with in that event.
private void formWindowOpened(java.awt.event.WindowEvent evt) {
Object[][] rowData = new Object[4][2]; // 4: is number of row ; 2: is number of column
Object columnNames[] = {"Invoice No", "View Report"}; // Name of columns
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
InvoiceArray[i] = i + "-2345";
rowData[i][0] = i + "-2345";
rowData[i][1] = "View Order " + i; // Can change the text of button.
DefaultTableModel tm = new DefaultTableModel(rowData, columnNames);
ButtonColumn buttonColumn = new ButtonColumn(jTable1, showOrder, 1); // 1: is column number. column count starts with 0,1,2...
Action showOrder = new AbstractAction() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
//JTable table = (JTable) e.getSource(); // If you have multiple component following the ActionEvent
int modelRow = Integer.valueOf(e.getActionCommand());
if (InvoiceArray[modelRow] != null) {
/* We are placing invoice no in array
* And track the button click index
* And fetch index in invoice no
System.out.println("Your Invoice No:" + InvoiceArray[modelRow]);
} else {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(rootPane, "No records found!");
你可以給我一個非常非常短的代碼如何做到這一點嗎?我已經檢查過表格按鈕列,仍然很混亂,我不明白他在哪裏添加了助記符:/ – luh
@luh,你被給了簡單的代碼。您創建一個JTable並向其添加數據。這是標準的JTable處理。該發佈假定您知道如何使用數據創建JTable並將該表添加到框架。如果你不知道如何做到這一點,那麼請閱讀教程中的工作示例。然後有7行代碼顯示如何添加一個Action來刪除被點擊的行。 「我不明白他在哪裏添加助記符 - - 什麼?你有沒有看到「setMnemonic(...)」語句?我不明白你的困惑。 – camickr
哦,我的意思是他爲什麼添加助記符?爲什麼他還說助記符只是可選的。如果我把它拿出來,我會改變他的代碼中的任何東西嗎?是的,我知道如何創建Jtable的數據,我真的不知道如何添加jbuttons與聽衆。並從示例代碼中,如果'InvoiceArray'不是那麼重要,我可以把它關掉嗎? showOrder是什麼? – luh