我正在與MemoryCache一起工作。MemoryCache的SlidingExpiration - 可選幻燈片過期?
MemoryCache.Default.Set("Key", "Value", new CacheItemPolicy
SlidingExpiration = new TimeSpan(0, 5, 0)
// Resets the sliding expiration:
我有兩個實體,報告和ReportData。 ReportData查詢速度慢。 Report和ReportData都被緩存到兩個獨立的MemoryCaches中。
報告MemoryCache在四天後過期。 ReportData MemoryCache在30分鐘後過期。
/// <summary>
/// A service for caching Custom reports.
/// </summary>
public class ReportCachingService : ServiceBase
/// <summary>
/// Refresh report data every N minutes.
/// </summary>
private int ReportDataRefreshInterval { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Remember reports for N days.
/// </summary>
private int MaxReportAge { get; set; }
private MemoryCache ReportDataCache { get; set; }
private MemoryCache ReportCache { get; set; }
private static readonly ILog Logger = LogManager.GetLogger(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);
public ReportCachingService()
Logger.Info("ReportCachingService initializing...");
// Note: The name 'ReportDataCache' must be kept in-sync w/ App.config namedCache entry.
ReportDataCache = new MemoryCache("ReportDataCache");
ReportCache = new MemoryCache("ReportCache");
Logger.Info("ReportCachingService successfully started.");
public ReportData GetReportData(int reportID)
string key = reportID.ToString();
ReportData reportData = ReportDataCache.Get(key) as ReportData ?? GetAndCacheReportData(reportID);
return reportData;
public Report GetReport(int reportID)
string key = reportID.ToString();
Report report = ReportCache.Get(key) as Report ?? GetAndCacheReport(reportID);
return report;
private void LoadConfiguration()
ReportDataRefreshInterval = GetConfigValue("ReportDataRefreshInterval");
MaxReportAge = GetConfigValue("MaxReportAge"); ;
Logger.Info(string.Format("Configuration loaded. Report data will refresh every {0} minutes. Maximum report age is {1} day(s).", ReportDataRefreshInterval, MaxReportAge));
catch (Exception exception)
Logger.Error("Error loading configuration.", exception);
private static int GetConfigValue(string key)
string configValueString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[key];
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(configValueString))
throw new Exception(string.Format("Failed to find {0} in App.config", key));
int configValue;
bool isValidConfigValue = int.TryParse(configValueString, out configValue);
if (!isValidConfigValue)
throw new Exception(string.Format("{0} was found in App.config, but is not a valid integer value.", key));
return configValue;
private ReportData GetAndCacheReportData(int reportID)
Report report = GetReport(reportID);
ReportData reportData = report.GetData(false, "Administrator");
if (reportData == null)
string errorMessage = string.Format("Failed to find reportData for report with ID: {0}", reportID);
throw new Exception(errorMessage);
// SlidingExpiration forces cache expiration to refresh when an entry is accessed.
TimeSpan reportDataCacheExpiration = new TimeSpan(0, ReportDataRefreshInterval, 0);
string key = reportID.ToString();
ReportDataCache.Set(key, reportData, new CacheItemPolicy
SlidingExpiration = reportDataCacheExpiration,
UpdateCallback = OnReportDataUpdate
return reportData;
private Report GetAndCacheReport(int reportID)
// If the ReportCache does not contain the Report - attempt to load it from DB.
Report report = Report.Load(reportID);
if (report == null)
string errorMessage = string.Format("Failed to find report with ID: {0}", reportID);
throw new Exception(errorMessage);
// SlidingExpiration forces cache expiration to refresh when an entry is accessed.
TimeSpan reportCacheExpiration = new TimeSpan(MaxReportAge, 0, 0, 0);
string key = reportID.ToString();
ReportCache.Set(key, report, new CacheItemPolicy
SlidingExpiration = reportCacheExpiration,
RemovedCallback = OnReportRemoved
return report;
private void OnReportRemoved(CacheEntryRemovedArguments arguments)
Logger.DebugFormat("Report with ID {0} has expired with reason: {1}.", arguments.CacheItem.Key, arguments.RemovedReason);
// Clear known ReportData for a given Report whenever the Report expires.
private void OnReportDataUpdate(CacheEntryUpdateArguments arguments)
Logger.DebugFormat("ReportData for report with ID {0} has updated with reason: {1}.", arguments.UpdatedCacheItem.Key, arguments.RemovedReason);
// Expired ReportData should be automatically refreshed by loading fresh values from the DB.
if (arguments.RemovedReason == CacheEntryRemovedReason.Expired)
int reportID = int.Parse(arguments.Key);
我不認爲你可以通過這種方式使用內存緩存實現你想要的。看到我的代碼如下。 –
這是可能的。你在這裏看到的是SlidingExpiration的行爲。您必須改用AbsoluteExpiration。 –