2017-09-14 78 views

在我的Perl代碼中,我使用Net :: SMTP和MIME:Entity通過我的Sendgrid帳戶發送電子郵件(從他們的v2 api中,我可以使用我的帳戶登錄作爲API)...Perl,Sendgrid和Net :: SMTP和MIME :: Entity


但我們將服務器移到了更新的版本。 仍然是Unix(Linux),但具有較新的硬件,包括較新版本的Plesk。 IP地址都是一樣的,我們把它們移到了新的硬件上。我們確實更改了主要IP地址,但我們確保將其添加到了sendgrid whitelabel中...

所以我很笨,爲什麼它會停止工作。 我沒有得到任何代碼中的錯誤,API是連接。但我從來沒有看到任何電子郵件,不管我做什麼。



sub Send_Multi_Part_Email_MimeLite { 
    my ($__to,$__cc,$__bcc,$__from,$__subject,$__html_message,$__text_message,$__importance,$__xpriority,$__x_ms_priority) = @_; 
    if($__x_ms_priority && ($__x_ms_priority =~ /\|/)) { 
     ($__x_ms_priority,$_attachFile,$_attachFilePath) = split /\|/, $__x_ms_priority, 3; 
    if($__xpriority && ($__xpriority =~ /\|/)) { 
     ($__xpriority,$_unSubKey,$_mbrUn) = split /\|/, $__xpriority, 3; 
    if($__importance && ($__importance =~ /\|/)) { 
     ($__importance,$_emailType) = split /\|/, $__importance, 2; 

    my $_useNewSystem = 1; # Declare new system... set to 1 to use it and not use MimeLite any longer... 
    if($_useNewSystem) { 
     use MIME::Entity; 
     use Net::SMTP; 

     my $_sendIp = $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR} || ""; 
     if($__to && ($__to =~ /\;/)) { 
      $__to =~ s/\;/\,/g; 
     if($__cc && ($__cc=~ /\;/)) { 
      $__cc =~ s/\;/\,/g; 
     if(!$__bcc) { 
      $__bcc = '[email protected]'; # not real, but when in production is a real email, so we can get emails to confirm they are being delivered... only when debugging... Commented out if not in test mode... 

     if($__bcc && ($__bcc =~ /\;/)) { 
      $_bcc =~ s/\;/\,/g; 
     if(!$__html_message) { 
      $__html_message = $__text_message; 
      $__html_message =~ s/\n/br()."\n"/eg; 
      $__html_message =~ s/\cM\cJ/br()."\n"/eg; 

     $_emailSentType = ""; 

     $mime = MIME::Entity->build(Type => 'multipart/alternative', 
           Encoding => '-SUGGEST', 
           From => $__from, 
           To => $__to, 
           Subject => $__subject, 
           'Importance' => $__importance, 
           "X-Mailer"  => "$_co_domain Sendgrid Mailer - Version 2.0", 
           'X-Organization' => "$_co_name", 
           "X-Mail-Sent-For" => "The Club or www.$_co_domain/$_un; From IP: $_sendIp", 
           'X-Priority' => $__xpriority, 
           'X-MSMail-Priority' => $__x_ms_priority 

     $_sendKey = ""; # removed for security... 

     $_removeLink = qq~https://www.testing.com/backoffice.cgi?page=unsubscribe$_sendKey~; 
     $__text_message .= qq~ 

    You are receiving this email as a club member of The $_co_name. You can turn off your 
    email subscription by logging into your back office with your username and password 
    that you registered with. Or you may click: 
    $_removeLink to remove yourself. 

     if($__html_message) { 
      $__html_message .= qq~<br> 
    <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #808040;"> 
    You are receiving this email as a club member of The $_co_name.<br> 
    You can turn off your email subscription by logging into your back office<br> 
    with your username and password that you registered with.<br> 
    Or you may click: <a href="$_removeLink">Here</a> to remove yourself,<br> 
    or call our Customer Care Center at (888)123-4567 for assistance<br> 


    $mime->attach(Type => 'text/plain', 
       Encoding =>'-SUGGEST', 
       Data => $__text_message); 

    $mime->attach(Type => 'text/html', 
       Encoding =>'-SUGGEST', 
       Data => $__html_message); 

     if($_attachFile) { 
     ### Attach stuff to it: 
     if($_attachFilePath && ($_attachFilePath =~ /csv$/i)) { 
      $_mimType = "text/csv"; 
      $_mimEncoding = "US-ASCII"; 
     } elsif($_attachFilePath && ($_attachFilePath =~ /gif$/i)) { 
      $_mimType = "image/gif"; 
      $_mimEncoding = "base64"; 
     } elsif($_attachFilePath && ($_attachFilePath =~ /jpg$/i)) { 
      $_mimType = "images/jpeg"; 
      $_mimEncoding = "base64"; 
     } elsif($_attachFilePath && ($_attachFilePath =~ /png$/i)) { 
      $_mimType = "images/png"; 
      $_mimEncoding = "base64"; 
     } else { 
      $_mimType = "text/plain"; 
      $_mimEncoding = "UTF-8"; 
     # Attach the file that it sent... 
     $mime->attach(Path  => $_attachFilePath, 
        Type  => "$_mimType", 
       Encoding => "$_mimEncoding"); 

     # Sendgrid Login credentials 
     $username = 'myloginemail'; 
     $password = "myloginpass"; 

     # Open a connection to the SendGrid mail server 
     $smtp = Net::SMTP->new('smtp.sendgrid.net', 
            Port=> 587, 
            Timeout => 60, 
            Hello => "testing.com", Debug => 1) or return("0","could not establish connection!: $!"); 

     # Authenticate 
     if($smtp) { 
      $smtp->auth($username, $password); 
      # Send the rest of the SMTP stuff to the server 

      $_resultMsg = $smtp->message(); 
      $_resultMsg =~ s/\n//eg; 
      $_resultMsg =~ s/\cM\cJ//eg; 

      # just added this, not sure if it will work... want to create a loop of the $smtp to put it in the debug file, so I can see what is happening and why email does not go anywhere, but connection works... 
      $_resultMsg2 = ""; 
       foreach (keys %{$smtp}) { 
       $_resultMsg2 .= "," if $_resultMsg2; 
       # Test this one: 
       $_resultMsg2 .= " $_ => ${$hash_ref}{$_}"; 
       # Then test this one: 
       $_resultMsg2 .= ", $_ = " . ${$hash_ref}->{$_}; 

      print DEB qq~Result: '~ . $_resultMsg . qq~'; smtpTest: '~ . $_resultMsg2 . qq~'; From => "$__from", To => "$__to", Subject => "$__subject", If Member Username passed: "$_mbrUn", on: ~ . Format_Date_For_Viewing(time(),"") . "\n"; 
      return (1,""); 
     } else { 

      print DEB qq~ERROR: '~ . $smtp->message() . qq~' (Sendgrid error!!!) - From => "$__from", To => "$__to", Subject => "$__subject", If Member Username passed: "$_mbrUn", on: ~ . Format_Date_For_Viewing(time(),"") . "\n"; 
      return (0,$smtp->message()); 
    } else { 
     # Code for old email system... not using sendgrid, using sendmail... no longer in use, but code left there for times when sendgrid not working or something... used MimeLite 

無論如何,我不知道爲什麼它不工作。服務器管理員檢查,並沒有任何錯誤或沒有郵件在隊列中,無論... ...所以沒有什麼只是卡住的地方,我們可以找到...


感謝, - 理查德





telnet smtp.sendgrid.net 587 
Connected to smtp.sendgrid.net. 
Escape character is '^]'. 
220 SG ESMTP service ready at ismtpd0011p1las1.sendgrid.net 
helo testing.com 
250 Hello, nice to meet you 
auth login 
334 VXNlcm5hbWU6 
334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6 
235 Authentication succeeded 
mail from:<[email protected]> 
250 2.1.5 Ok 
rcpt to:<[email protected]> 
250 2.1.5 Ok 
354 End data with <CR><LF>.<CR><LF> 
subject: test 

This is test 0. 
250 2.0.0 Ok: queued as BBAEA3483C73 
221 2.0.0 Bye 
Connection closed by foreign host. 

perl -MMIME::Base64 -e 'print encode_base64 $_ for qw/myloginemail myloginpass/' 
