我想獲得泛型類的類型。例如,大多數問題都是圍繞嘗試從List(Of T)
檢索Type T的人員進行的。相反,我想類的類本身,即System.Collections.Generic.List從泛型類(T)獲取類的類型
'The type I want to use a a Generic Parameter in a new object
dim O = MasterObject
'This is the class which is Generic
dim BaseType as Type = me.getType
'This is the line that errors, since BaseType already has a Generic Type
dim GenericType as Type=BaseType.MakeGenericType(O.getType())
'This would be the new object, with a new generic type
dim NewObject as Object = Activator.CreateInstance(GenericType,vars)
@CodeCaster是的...我編輯它。我認爲OP認爲實際類型只是'List';( –
謝謝!對不起,應該清楚我的List的例子只是一個例子...實際上,我的類型將是許多類型的繼承子類之一....但你的答案完美無瑕,我可以在2分鐘內將它標記爲正確:-) – JLo
@JLo我很高興它的工作;)不客氣! –