2015-12-09 48 views


ID S.2014.01.01 S.2014.01.02 S.2014.01.03 S.2014.01.04 
1 001   1   10   5   74 
2 002   2   15   6   75 
3 003   3   23   7   76 
4 004   4   31   8   77 
5 005   5   39   9   78 
6 006   6   47   10   79 
7 007   7   55   11   80 
8 008   8   63   12   81 
9 009   9   71   13   82 
10 010   10   79   14   83 



ID S.2014.01.01 S.2014.01.02 S.2014.01.03 S.2014.01.04 D.2014.01.02 D.2014.01.03 D.2014.01.04 
1 001   1   10   5   74   9   -5   69 
2 002   2   15   6   75   13   -9   69 
3 003   3   23   7   76   20   -16   69 
4 004   4   31   8   77   27   -23   69 
5 005   5   39   9   78   34   -30   69 
6 006   6   47   10   79   41   -37   69 
7 007   7   55   11   80   48   -44   69 
8 008   8   63   12   81   55   -51   69 
9 009   9   71   13   82   62   -58   69 
10 010   10   79   14   83   69   -65   69 


DF<-structure(list(ID = c("001", "002", "003", "004", "005", "006", 
"007", "008", "009", "010"), S.2014.01.01 = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 
6, 7, 8, 9, 10), S.2014.01.02 = c(10, 15, 23, 31, 39, 47, 55, 
63, 71, 79), S.2014.01.03 = c(5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 
14), S.2014.01.04 = c(74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83)), .Names = c("ID", 
"S.2014.01.01", "S.2014.01.02", "S.2014.01.03", "S.2014.01.04" 
), row.names = c(NA, -10L), class = "data.frame") 





### Remove ID column 
temp <- DF[, -1] 

### pick up two columns and handle subtraction 

new <- data.frame(sapply(1:(length(names(temp))-1), function(x){ 
        temp[, x+1] - temp[ , x] 

### Assign column names. Change S to D in the word initial position and remove 
### the first element of the vector. 

names(new) <- gsub(pattern = "^[A-Z]", replacement = "D", x = names(temp))[-1L] 

### Combine the original DF and the results 

cbind(DF, new) 

    ID S.2014.01.01 S.2014.01.02 S.2014.01.03 S.2014.01.04 D.2014.01.02 D.2014.01.03 D.2014.01.04 
1 001   1   10   5   74   9   -5   69 
2 002   2   15   6   75   13   -9   69 
3 003   3   23   7   76   20   -16   69 
4 004   4   31   8   77   27   -23   69 
5 005   5   39   9   78   34   -30   69 
6 006   6   47   10   79   41   -37   69 
7 007   7   55   11   80   48   -44   69 
8 008   8   63   12   81   55   -51   69 
9 009   9   71   13   82   62   -58   69 
10 010   10   79   14   83   69   -65   69 


## apply will return data we want in rows, to transpose with t() ---- 
    newDF <- t(apply(DF[,-1], 1, function(x){ diff(x) })) 
    newDF <- data.frame(newDF) 
    ## set names we want 
    names(newDF) <- gsub(names(DF[,-c(1:2)]), pattern = "S.", replacement = "D.") 
    ## combine into 1 data frame 
    newDF <- cbind(DF, newDF) 
    ID S.2014.01.01 S.2014.01.02 S.2014.01.03 S.2014.01.04 D.2014.01.02 D.2014.01.03 D.2014.01.04 
1 001   1   10   5   74   9   -5   69 
2 002   2   15   6   75   13   -9   69 
3 003   3   23   7   76   20   -16   69 
4 004   4   31   8   77   27   -23   69 
5 005   5   39   9   78   34   -30   69 
6 006   6   47   10   79   41   -37   69 
7 007   7   55   11   80   48   -44   69 
8 008   8   63   12   81   55   -51   69 
9 009   9   71   13   82   62   -58   69 
10 010   10   79   14   83   69   -65   69 

注意,我只看到了@ jazzurro的答案,作品也。我想我會離開這裏,因爲它是略微不同。



DF <- cbind(DF, DF[,3:5] - DF[,2:4]) 
names(DF)[6: 8] = gsub("S", "D", names(DF)[6: 8]) 