2014-01-22 27 views


爲了解決我的問題,Jean-FrançoisCorbett suggested採用了Levenshtein距離方法。然後我找到了這個代碼來獲得Levenshtein距離百分比。

Public Function GetLevenshteinPercentMatch(_ 
    ByVal string1 As String, ByVal string2 As String, _ 
    Optional Normalised As Boolean = False) As Single 
Dim iLen As Integer 
    If Normalised = False Then 
     string1 = UCase$(WorksheetFunction.Trim(string1)) 
     string2 = UCase$(WorksheetFunction.Trim(string2)) 
    End If 
    iLen = WorksheetFunction.Max(Len(string1), Len(string2)) 
    GetLevenshteinPercentMatch = (iLen - LevenshteinDistance(string1, string2))/iLen 
End Function 

'*** Compute Levenshtein Distance 

Public Function LevenshteinDistance(ByVal s As String, ByVal t As String) As Integer 
Dim d() As Integer ' matrix 
Dim m As Integer ' length of t 
Dim N As Integer ' length of s 
Dim i As Integer ' iterates through s 
Dim j As Integer ' iterates through t 
Dim s_i As String ' ith character of s 
Dim t_j As String ' jth character of t 
Dim cost As Integer ' cost 

    ' Step 1 
    N = Len(s) 
    m = Len(t) 
    If N = 0 Then 
    LevenshteinDistance = m 
    Exit Function 
    End If 
    If m = 0 Then 
    LevenshteinDistance = N 
    Exit Function 
    End If 
    ReDim d(0 To N, 0 To m) As Integer 

    ' Step 2 
    For i = 0 To N 
    d(i, 0) = i 
    Next i 

    For j = 0 To m 
    d(0, j) = j 
    Next j 

    ' Step 3 

    For i = 1 To N 
    s_i = Mid$(s, i, 1) 
    ' Step 4 
    For j = 1 To m 
     t_j = Mid$(t, j, 1) 
     ' Step 5 
     If s_i = t_j Then 
     cost = 0 
     cost = 1 
     End If 
     ' Step 6 
     d(i, j) = WorksheetFunction.Min(_ 
      d(i - 1, j) + 1, d(i, j - 1) + 1, d(i - 1, j - 1) + cost) 

    Next j 
    Next i 

    ' Step 7 
    LevenshteinDistance = d(N, m) 

End Function 


Dim duplicate(), i As Long 
    Dim delrange As Range, cell As Long 
    Dim shtIn As Worksheet, Shtout As Worksheet 
    Dim numofrows1 
    dim numofrows2 
    dim j as long 

    Set shtIn = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("process") 
    Set Shtout = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("output") 

    x = 2 
    y = 1 

    Set delrange = shtIn.Range("h1:h30000") 'set your range here 

    ReDim duplicate(0) 
    'search duplicates in 2nd column 
    For cell = 1 To delrange.Cells.Count 
     If Application.CountIf(delrange, delrange(cell)) > 1 Then 
      ReDim Preserve duplicate(i) 
      duplicate(i) = delrange(cell).Address 
      i = i + 1 
     End If 

    'print duplicates 
    For i = UBound(duplicate) To LBound(duplicate) Step -1 
    Shtout.Cells(x, 1).EntireRow.Value = shtIn.Range(duplicate(i)).EntireRow.Value 
    x = x + 1 
Next i 

numofrows2 = Shtout.Cells(Shtout.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row - 1 

If Shtout.Cells(2, 1).Value = "" Then 
    MsgBox ("No Duplicates Found!") 
    MsgBox (numofrows1 & " " & "Potential Duplicates Found") 
End If 

End Sub 







我很高興我的earlier answer對你有用。你不喜歡用一個字符來表示每個可能的屬性......


'Step 1前,將您的逗號分隔的字符串成這樣的數組:

Dim sSplit() As String 
Dim tSplit() As String 
sSplit = Split(s, ",") 
tSplit = Split(t, ",") 


N = Len(s) 
m = Len(t) 
s_i = Mid$(s, i, 1) 
t_j = Mid$(t, j, 1) 


N = UBound(sSplit) + 1 
m = UBound(tSplit) + 1 
s_i = sSplit(i - 1) 
t_j = tSplit(j - 1) 

該因爲Split返回一個從零開始的數組,所以存在和- 1





還有一點需要注意:Damerau–Levenshtein distance可能比Levenshtein distance更適合您。不同之處在於,除了插入/刪除/替換之外,D-M距離還考慮到兩個相鄰字符的換位。由你決定。


新的東西再學習!我會在這之後嘗試。 thx爲您的答案。我會再次更新:D –


我已更新問題。 –


請不要這樣做。改爲發佈新問題。 –



Sub duplicate_separation() 
Dim duplicate As Variant, I As Long 
Dim vaData As Variant 
Dim vadata2 As Variant 
Dim delrange As Range, lRow As Long 
Dim delrange2 As Range 
Dim shtIn As Worksheet, Shtout As Worksheet 
Dim numofrows1 

Dim j As Long 

    Set shtIn = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("process") 
    Set Shtout = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("output") 

    With shtIn.UsedRange 'set your range here 
     Set delrange = shtIn.Range("b1").Resize(.Row + .Rows.Count - 1) 

    End With 

    vaData = delrange.Value 
    ReDim duplicate(1 To 1, 1 To 1) 
'search duplicates in 2nd column 
    For lRow = 1 To UBound(vaData, 1) 
    'choose the parameter 
    '1. detect potential duplicate data for similiarity above 70% 
    If FuzzyCount(LookupValue:=CStr(vaData(lRow, 1)), TableArray:=delrange, NFPercent:=0.7, Algorithm:=4) > 1 Then 

       I = I + 1 
      ReDim Preserve duplicate(1 To 1, 1 To I) 
      duplicate(1, I) = delrange(lRow).Address 
     End If 
    Next lRow 

     Shtout.Cells(1, 1).Resize(1, 7).Value = _ 
     Array("Material Number", "Short Description", "Manufacturer", "Material Part Number", "Old Material Number", "Long Description", "sorted ShortDesc") 

    If I = 0 Then 
     MsgBox ("No Duplicates Found!") 
     'print duplicates 
     MsgBox (I & " " & "Potential Duplicates Found") 
     Shtout.Cells(2, 1).Resize(I, 6).EntireRow.Value = shtIn.Range(duplicate(1, 1)).Resize(I, 6).EntireRow.Value 
    End If 

End Sub 


Private Function NormaliseKey(ByVal String1 As String) As String 
NormaliseKey = Replace(UCase$(String1), " ", "") 
End Function 

Function FuzzyCount(ByVal LookupValue As String, _ 
         ByVal TableArray As Range, _ 
         Optional NFPercent As Single = 0.05, _ 
         Optional Algorithm As Variant = 3) As Long 
'** Simple count of (Fuzzy) Matching strings >= NFPercent threshold ** 
Dim lMatchCount As Long 

Dim rCur As Range 

Dim sString1 As String 
Dim sString2 As String 

'** Normalise lookup value ** 
sString1 = LCase$(Application.Trim(LookupValue)) 

For Each rCur In Intersect(TableArray.Resize(, 1), Sheets(TableArray.Parent.Name).UsedRange) 

    '** Normalise current Table entry ** 
    sString2 = LCase$(Application.Trim(CStr(rCur))) 

    If sString2 <> "" Then 
     If FuzzyPercent(String1:=sString1, _ 
         String2:=sString2, _ 
         Algorithm:=Algorithm, _ 
         Normalised:=False) >= NFPercent Then 
      lMatchCount = lMatchCount + 1 
     End If 
    End If 
Next rCur 

FuzzyCount = lMatchCount 

End Function 

Function FuzzyPercent(ByVal String1 As String, _ 
         ByVal String2 As String, _ 
         Optional Algorithm As Variant = 3, _ 
         Optional Normalised As Boolean = False) As Single 
'** Return a % match on two strings ** 
Dim bSoundex As Boolean 
Dim bBasicMetaphone As Boolean 
Dim intLen1 As Integer, intLen2 As Integer 
Dim intCurLen As Integer 
Dim intTo As Integer 
Dim intPos As Integer 
Dim intPtr As Integer 
Dim intScore As Integer 
Dim intTotScore As Integer 
Dim intStartPos As Integer 
Dim lngAlgorithm As Long 
Dim sngScore As Single 
Dim strWork As String 

bSoundex = LCase$(CStr(Algorithm)) = "soundex" 
bBasicMetaphone = LCase$(CStr(Algorithm)) = "metaphone" 

'-- If strings havent been normalised, normalise them -- 
If Normalised = False Then 
    If bSoundex Or bBasicMetaphone Then 
     String1 = NormaliseStringAtoZ(String1) 
     String2 = NormaliseStringAtoZ(String2) 
     String1 = LCase$(Application.Trim(String1)) 
     String2 = LCase$(Application.Trim(String2)) 
    End If 
End If 

'-- Give 100% match if strings exactly equal -- 
If String1 = String2 Then 
    FuzzyPercent = 1 
    Exit Function 
End If 

'If bSoundex Then 
' String1 = Soundex(Replace(String1, " ", "")) 
' String2 = Soundex(Replace(String2, " ", "")) 
' If String1 = String2 Then 
'  FuzzyPercent = msngSoundexMatchPercent 
' Else 
'  FuzzyPercent = 0 
' End If 
' Exit Function 
'ElseIf bBasicMetaphone Then 
' String1 = Metaphone1(String1) 
' String2 = Metaphone1(String2) 
' If String1 = String2 Then 
'  FuzzyPercent = msngMetaphoneMatchPercent 
' Else 
'  FuzzyPercent = 0 
' End If 
' Exit Function 
'End If 

intLen1 = Len(String1) 
intLen2 = Len(String2) 

If intLen1 = 0 Or intLen2 = 0 Then 
    FuzzyPercent = 0 
    Exit Function 
End If 

'-- Give 0% match if string length < 2 -- 
If intLen1 < 2 Then 
    FuzzyPercent = 0 
    Exit Function 
End If 

intTotScore = 0     'initialise total possible score 
intScore = 0      'initialise current score 

lngAlgorithm = Val(Algorithm) 

'-- If Algorithm = 1 or 3, Search for single characters -- 
If (lngAlgorithm And 1) <> 0 Then 
    If intLen1 < intLen2 Then 
     FuzzyAlg1 String1, String2, intScore, intTotScore 
     FuzzyAlg1 String2, String1, intScore, intTotScore 
    End If 
End If 

'-- If Algorithm = 2 or 3, Search for pairs, triplets etc. -- 
If (lngAlgorithm And 2) <> 0 Then 
    If intLen1 < intLen2 Then 
     FuzzyAlg2 String1, String2, intScore, intTotScore 
     FuzzyAlg2 String2, String1, intScore, intTotScore 
    End If 
End If 

'-- If Algorithm = 4,5,6,7, use Levenstein Distance method -- 
'-- (Algorithm 4 was Dan Ostrander's code)     -- 
If (lngAlgorithm And 4) <> 0 Then 
    If intLen1 < intLen2 Then 
'  sngScore = FuzzyAlg4(String1, String1) 
     sngScore = GetLevenshteinPercentMatch(String1:=String1, _ 
               String2:=String2, _ 
'  sngScore = FuzzyAlg4(String2, String1) 
     sngScore = GetLevenshteinPercentMatch(String1:=String2, _ 
               String2:=String1, _ 
    End If 
    intScore = intScore + (sngScore * 100) 
    intTotScore = intTotScore + 100 
End If 

FuzzyPercent = intScore/intTotScore 

End Function 

Private Sub FuzzyAlg1(ByVal String1 As String, _ 
         ByVal String2 As String, _ 
         ByRef Score As Integer, _ 
         ByRef TotScore As Integer) 
Dim intLen1 As Integer, intPos As Integer, intPtr As Integer, intStartPos As Integer 

intLen1 = Len(String1) 
TotScore = TotScore + intLen1    'update total possible score 
intPos = 0 
For intPtr = 1 To intLen1 
    intStartPos = intPos + 1 
    intPos = InStr(intStartPos, String2, Mid$(String1, intPtr, 1)) 
    If intPos > 0 Then 
     If intPos > intStartPos + 3 Then  'No match if char is > 3 bytes away 
      intPos = intStartPos 
      Score = Score + 1   'Update current score 
     End If 
     intPos = intStartPos 
    End If 
Next intPtr 
End Sub 
Private Sub FuzzyAlg2(ByVal String1 As String, _ 
         ByVal String2 As String, _ 
         ByRef Score As Integer, _ 
         ByRef TotScore As Integer) 
Dim intCurLen As Integer, intLen1 As Integer, intTo As Integer, intPtr As Integer, intPos As Integer 
Dim strWork As String 

intLen1 = Len(String1) 
For intCurLen = 1 To intLen1 
    strWork = String2       'Get a copy of String2 
    intTo = intLen1 - intCurLen + 1 
    TotScore = TotScore + Int(intLen1/intCurLen) 'Update total possible score 
    For intPtr = 1 To intTo Step intCurLen 
     intPos = InStr(strWork, Mid$(String1, intPtr, intCurLen)) 
     If intPos > 0 Then 
      Mid$(strWork, intPos, intCurLen) = String$(intCurLen, &H0) 'corrupt found string 
      Score = Score + 1  'Update current score 
     End If 
    Next intPtr 
Next intCurLen 

End Sub 
'Private Function FuzzyAlg4(strIn1 As String, strIn2 As String) As Single 
'Dim L1    As Integer 
'Dim In1Mask(1 To 24) As Long  'strIn1 is 24 characters max 
'Dim iCh    As Integer 
'Dim N    As Long 
'Dim strTry   As String 
'Dim strTest   As String 
'TopMatch = 0 
'L1 = Len(strIn1) 
'strTest = UCase(strIn1) 
'strCompare = UCase(strIn2) 
'For iCh = 1 To L1 
' In1Mask(iCh) = 2^iCh 
'Next iCh  'Loop thru all ordered combinations of characters in strIn1 
'For N = 2^(L1 + 1) - 1 To 1 Step -1 
' strTry = "" 
' For iCh = 1 To L1 
'  If In1Mask(iCh) And N Then 
'   strTry = strTry & Mid(strTest, iCh, 1) 
'  End If 
' Next iCh 
' If Len(strTry) > TopMatch Then FuzzyAlg4Test strTry 
'Next N 
'FuzzyAlg4 = TopMatch/CSng(L1) 
'End Function 
'Sub FuzzyAlg4Test(strIn As String) 
'Dim l   As Integer 
'Dim strTry As String 
'Dim iCh  As Integer 
'l = Len(strIn) 
'If l <= TopMatch Then Exit Sub 
'strTry = "*" 
'For iCh = 1 To l 
' strTry = strTry & Mid(strIn, iCh, 1) & "*" 
'Next iCh 
'If strCompare Like strTry Then 
' If l > TopMatch Then TopMatch = l 
'End If 
'End Sub 

Public Function GetLevenshteinPercentMatch(ByVal String1 As String, _ 
              ByVal String2 As String, _ 
              Optional Normalised As Boolean = False) As Single 
Dim iLen As Integer 
If Normalised = False Then 
    String1 = UCase$(WorksheetFunction.Trim(String1)) 
    String2 = UCase$(WorksheetFunction.Trim(String2)) 
End If 
iLen = WorksheetFunction.Max(Len(String1), Len(String2)) 
GetLevenshteinPercentMatch = (iLen - LevenshteinDistance(String1, String2))/iLen 
End Function 

Private Function NormaliseStringAtoZ(ByVal String1 As String) As String 
'-- Remove all but alpha chars and convert to lowercase -- 
Dim iPtr As Integer 
Dim sChar As String 
Dim sResult As String 

sResult = "" 
For iPtr = 1 To Len(String1) 
    sChar = LCase$(Mid$(String1, iPtr, 1)) 
    If sChar <> UCase$(sChar) Then sResult = sResult & sChar 
Next iPtr 
NormaliseStringAtoZ = sResult 
End Function 

'*** Compute Levenshtein Distance 

Public Function LevenshteinDistance(ByVal s As String, ByVal t As String) As Integer 
Dim d() As Integer ' matrix 
Dim m As Integer ' length of t 
Dim N As Integer ' length of s 
Dim I As Integer ' iterates through s 
Dim j As Integer ' iterates through t 
Dim s_i As String ' ith character of s 
Dim t_j As String ' jth character of t 
Dim cost As Integer ' cost 

    ' Step 1 

    N = Len(s) 
    m = Len(t) 
    If N = 0 Then 
    LevenshteinDistance = m 
    Exit Function 
    End If 
    If m = 0 Then 
    LevenshteinDistance = N 
    Exit Function 
    End If 
    ReDim d(0 To N, 0 To m) As Integer 

    ' Step 2 

    For I = 0 To N 
    d(I, 0) = I 
    Next I 

    For j = 0 To m 
    d(0, j) = j 
    Next j 

    ' Step 3 

    For I = 1 To N 

    s_i = Mid$(s, I, 1) 

    ' Step 4 

    For j = 1 To m 

     t_j = Mid$(t, j, 1) 

     ' Step 5 

     If s_i = t_j Then 
     cost = 0 
     cost = 1 
     End If 

     ' Step 6 

     d(I, j) = WorksheetFunction.Min(d(I - 1, j) + 1, d(I, j - 1) + 1, d(I - 1, j - 1) + cost) 

    Next j 

    Next I 

    ' Step 7 

    LevenshteinDistance = d(N, m) 

End Function 
