2012-09-05 35 views



您應該爲look here檢查您可以做的所有事情,但是如果您正在尋找用分段符分段編排電子郵件的方法。這裏有一個方法,你要顯示的消息的更復雜的身體:

var body = "Dear User,"; 
    body += "\n\nWe have received your Email."; 
    body += "\n\nWe need samples of your work (scripts, portfolio, photos, DVDs) to complete your file."; 
    body += "\n\nPlease either mail or email your samples to us. Our contact information is below."; 
    body += "\n\nPlease do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions."; 
    body += "\n\nThank you,"; 

\n\n是返回兩倍的方式。您也可以使用\n來簡單地返回一次。 而且您可以使用其他高級參數,如下所示:

var ccList = "[email protected]"; 
var mailReplyTo = "[email protected]"; 
var emailName = "ME!"; 
var optAdvancedArgs = {replyTo:mailReplyTo, bcc:ccList, name:emailName}; 

MailApp.sendEmail(userEmail, subject, body, optAdvancedArgs);