2015-09-20 50 views

我有以下代碼,我試圖通過點擊或通過箭頭鍵按下時選中所選氣泡的ID。任何援助將不勝感激。獲取ID onclick或onkeypress div


#bubblebox{ width:650px; height:250px; margin:50px auto; border:1px solid  
#AAA; } 
#bubbles{ width:auto; margin:0px auto; text-align:center; } 
#bubbles > div{ display:inline-block; width:10px; height:10px; margin:24px  
10px 0px 10px; background:rgba(0,0,0,.1); text-align:center; border:2px  
solid #999; border-radius:100%; font-size:17px; text-decoration:none; 
transition: background 0.3s linear 0s; cursor:pointer; } 
#bubblecontent{ margin:0px auto; transition:opacity 0.3s linear 0s; font- 
family: Arial;} 
#bubblecontent > h2{ text-align:center; color:#7EA800; } 
#bubblecontent > p{ font-size:17px; line-height:1.5em; padding:20px 50px;  
color:#777; } 


// This simple function returns object reference for elements by ID 
function _(x){return document.getElementById(x);} 
// Variables for bubble array, bubble index, and the setInterval() variable 
var ba, bi=0, intrvl; 
// bca - Bubble Content Array. Put your content here. 
var bca = [ 
'<h2>Heading Number 1</h2><p>Content for section 1</p>', 
'<h2>Heading Number 2</h2><p>Content for section 2</p>', 
'<h2>Heading Number 3</h2><p>Content for section 3</p>', 
'<h2>Heading Number 4</h2><p>Content for section 4</p>' 
// This function is triggered by the bubbleSlide() function below 
function bubbles(bi){ 
// Fade-out the content 
_("bubblecontent").style.opacity = 0; 
// Loop over the bubbles and change all of their background color 
for(var i=0; i < ba.length; i++){ 
    ba[i].style.background = "rgba(0,0,0,.1)"; 
// Change the target bubble background to be darker than the rest 
ba[bi].style.background = "#999"; 
// Stall the bubble and content changing for just 300ms 
    // Change the content 
    _("bubblecontent").innerHTML = bca[bi]; 
    // Fade-in the content 
    _("bubblecontent").style.opacity = 1; 
}, 300); 
// This function is set to run every 5 seconds(5000ms) 
function bubbleSlide(){ 
bi++; // Increment the bubble index number 
// If bubble index number is equal to the amount of total bubbles 
if(bi == ba.length){ 
    bi = 0; // Reset the bubble index to 0 so it loops back at the beginning 
// Make the bubbles() function above run 
// Start the application up when document is ready 
window.addEventListener("load", function(){ 
// Get the bubbles array 
ba = _("bubbles").children; 
// Set the interval timing for the slideshow speed 
intrvl = setInterval(bubbleSlide, 5000); 


<div id="bubblebox"> 
<div id="bubbles"> 
<div onclick="bubbles(0); clearInterval(intrvl);" style="background:#999;">  
<div id=1 onclick="bubbles(1); clearInterval(intrvl);"></div> 
<div id=2 onclick="bubbles(2); clearInterval(intrvl);"></div> 
<div id=3 onclick="bubbles(3); clearInterval(intrvl);"></div> 
<div id="bubblecontent"> 
<h2>Heading Number 1</h2> 
<p>Content for section 1</p> 




function bubbleClick(bubble) { 
    console.log("bubble " + bubble + " clicked"); 


<div onclick="bubbles(0); clearInterval(intrvl); bubbleClick(0);" style="background:#999;">  
<div id=1 onclick="bubbles(1); clearInterval(intrvl); bubbleClick(1);"></div> 
<div id=2 onclick="bubbles(2); clearInterval(intrvl); bubbleClick(2);"></div> 
<div id=3 onclick="bubbles(3); clearInterval(intrvl); bubbleClick(3);"></div> 



非常感謝!正是我需要的 –