2015-10-20 160 views

因此,我剛剛在CentOS Linux 7.1.1503(Core)64位機器上使用以下命令安裝了WHM。新鮮cPanel WHM安裝 - 無法登錄

cd /home && curl -o latest -L https://securedownloads.cpanel.net/latest && sh latest 




[2015-10-20 12:21:23 +0200] warn [cpsrvd] Brute force checking was skipped for the 「root」 from 「my.ip.ipv4.form」 for the 「system」 service because the system could not connect to cphulkd. at cpsrvd.pl line 5336. 
    cpanel::cpsrvd::connect_cphulkd() called at cpsrvd.pl line 4772 
    cpanel::cpsrvd::handle_form_login() called at cpsrvd.pl line 1067 
    cpanel::cpsrvd::handle_one_connection() called at cpsrvd.pl line 884 
    cpanel::cpsrvd::script() called at cpsrvd.pl line 379 
[2015-10-20 12:21:28 +0200] warn [cpsrvd] Brute force checking was skipped for the 「root」 from 「my.ip.ipv4.form」 for the 「system」 service because the system could not connect to cphulkd. at cpsrvd.pl line 5336. 
    cpanel::cpsrvd::connect_cphulkd() called at cpsrvd.pl line 4772 
    cpanel::cpsrvd::handle_form_login() called at cpsrvd.pl line 1067 
    cpanel::cpsrvd::handle_one_connection() called at cpsrvd.pl line 884 
    cpanel::cpsrvd::script() called at cpsrvd.pl line 379 
[2015-10-20 12:21:55 +0200] warn [cpsrvd] Brute force checking was skipped for the 「root」 from 「my.ip.ipv4.form」 for the 「system」 service because the system could not connect to cphulkd. at cpsrvd.pl line 5336. 
    cpanel::cpsrvd::connect_cphulkd() called at cpsrvd.pl line 4772 
    cpanel::cpsrvd::handle_form_login() called at cpsrvd.pl line 1067 
    cpanel::cpsrvd::handle_one_connection() called at cpsrvd.pl line 884 
    cpanel::cpsrvd::script() called at cpsrvd.pl line 379 
[2015-10-20 12:22:14 +0200] warn [cpsrvd] Brute force checking was skipped for the 「root」 from 「my.ip.ipv4.form」 for the 「system」 service because the system could not connect to cphulkd. at cpsrvd.pl line 5336. 
    cpanel::cpsrvd::connect_cphulkd() called at cpsrvd.pl line 4772 
    cpanel::cpsrvd::handle_form_login() called at cpsrvd.pl line 1067 
    cpanel::cpsrvd::handle_one_connection() called at cpsrvd.pl line 884 
    cpanel::cpsrvd::script() called at cpsrvd.pl line 379 

什麼問題,我該如何解決? (首次使用WHM用戶)




/usr/local/cpanel/bin/cphulk_pam_ctl --disable 

「登錄無效」。 – Novaly


運行命令仍然「登錄無效」。 – Novaly