2013-06-20 61 views




 Min, Max, Step 











你可以使用 「REDIM保留」 爲這裏討論:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2916009/vba-what-does-redim-preserve-do-and-simple-array-question –


當你說「我想創建一個多維數組」 - 你的意思是說,在你的情況下,數組是(250 x 3)或(10 x 5 x 5 x 3)?你想要在VBA數組中生成值(供其他VBA代碼使用)還是將其放置在工作表的某個位置? – Floris


我的回答是否符合您的需求?如果不是,爲什麼不呢?你的個人資料說你正在訪問堆棧溢出,但你還沒有確認我的答案。 –







Dim Result(1 To 10, 1 To 5, 1 To 5, 1 To 1, 1 To 1) 

前三個維度具有10 5和5的元件,準備保持值的範圍。最後的兩個維度只是佔位符。

您正在讓用戶輸入尺寸詳細信息。我已經從工作表「Dyn Dims」中加載了詳細信息。對於你的例子相匹配的測試,我設置此工作表:

Min Max Step 
    1 10 1 
10 50 10 
    5 25 5 



從數組要求中,宏計算每個維度中的元素數量。我已經用這個值來測試這個計算,例如1步2到10,其中N沒有值,使得Min + N * Step = Max。




    1 2 3 Value 
    1 1 1 1:10:5 
    2 1 1 2:10:5 
    3 1 1 3:10:5 
    4 1 1 4:10:5 
    5 1 1 5:10:5 
    6 1 1 6:10:5 
    7 1 1 7:10:5 
    8 1 1 8:10:5 
    9 1 1 9:10:5 
    10 1 1 10:10:5 
    1 2 1 1:20:5 
    : : : : 
    5 5 5 5:50:25 
    6 5 5 6:50:25 
    7 5 5 7:50:25 
    8 5 5 8:50:25 
    9 5 5 9:50:25 
    10 5 5 10:50:25 


Option Explicit 
Sub DD() 

    Const ColReqMin As Long = 1 
    Const ColReqMax As Long = 2 
    Const ColReqStep As Long = 3 

    Dim DimCrnt As Long 
    Dim Entry(1 To 5) As Long 
    Dim EntryStepped As Boolean 
    Dim FileOutNum As Long 
    Dim Index(1 To 5) As Long 
    Dim IndexStepped As Boolean 
    Dim NumEntries(1 To 5) As Long 
    Dim Requirements(1 To 3, 1 To 5) As Long 
    Dim Result() As String 
    Dim RowDDCrnt As Long 
    Dim Stg As String 
    Dim Value As String 

    ' Load Requirements with the required ranges 
    With Worksheets("Dyn Dims") 
    RowDDCrnt = 2   ' First data row of worksheet Dyn Dims 
    ' Note this macro does not check for blank lines in the middle 
    ' of the table. 
    For DimCrnt = 1 To 5 
     If IsEmpty(.Cells(RowDDCrnt, ColReqStep)) Then 
     ' No step value so this dimension not required for this run 
     Requirements(ColReqStep, DimCrnt) = 0 
     Requirements(ColReqMin, DimCrnt) = .Cells(RowDDCrnt, ColReqMin) 
     Requirements(ColReqMax, DimCrnt) = .Cells(RowDDCrnt, ColReqMax) 
     Requirements(ColReqStep, DimCrnt) = .Cells(RowDDCrnt, ColReqStep) 
     End If 
     RowDDCrnt = RowDDCrnt + 1 
    End With 

    ' Calculate number of entries for each dimension 
    For DimCrnt = 1 To 5 
    If Requirements(ColReqStep, DimCrnt) = 0 Then 
     ' Dummy dimension 
     NumEntries(DimCrnt) = 1 
     NumEntries(DimCrnt) = (Requirements(ColReqMax, DimCrnt) - _ 
          Requirements(ColReqMin, DimCrnt) + _ 
          Requirements(ColReqStep, DimCrnt)) \ _ 
          Requirements(ColReqStep, DimCrnt) 
    End If 

    ' Size array 
    ReDim Result(1 To NumEntries(1), _ 
       1 To NumEntries(2), _ 
       1 To NumEntries(3), _ 
       1 To NumEntries(4), _ 
       1 To NumEntries(5)) 

    ' Initialise entry for each dimension to minimum value, if any, 
    ' and index for each dimension to 1 
    For DimCrnt = 1 To 5 
    Index(DimCrnt) = 1 
    If Requirements(ColReqStep, DimCrnt) <> 0 Then 
     Entry(DimCrnt) = Requirements(ColReqMin, DimCrnt) 
    End If 

    ' Starting with Entry(1), this loop steps the entry if the dimension is used. 
    ' If the stepped entry is not greater than the maximum, then this repeat of 
    ' the loop has finished. If the stepped entry is greater than the maximum, 
    ' it is reset to its minimum and the next entry stepped and checked in the 
    ' same way. If no entry is found that can be stepped, the loop is finished. 
    ' If the dimensions after all 1 to 3 step 1, the values created by this loop 
    ' are: 
    ' 1 1 1 1 1 
    ' 2 1 1 1 1 
    ' 3 1 1 1 1 
    ' 1 2 1 1 1 
    ' 2 2 1 1 1 
    ' 3 2 1 1 1 
    ' 1 3 1 1 1 
    ' 2 3 1 1 1 
    ' 3 3 1 1 1 
    ' 1 1 2 1 1 
    ' 2 1 2 1 1 
    ' 3 1 2 1 1 
    ' : : : : : 
    ' 3 3 3 3 3 

    Do While True 

    ' Concatenate entries to create value for initial element 
    ' or for element identified by last loop 
    Value = Entry(1) 
    For DimCrnt = 2 To 5 
     If Requirements(ColReqStep, DimCrnt) = 0 Then 
     Exit For 
     End If 
     Value = Value & ":" & Entry(DimCrnt) 
    Result(Index(1), Index(2), Index(3), Index(4), Index(5)) = Value 

    ' Find an entry to step 
    EntryStepped = False 
    For DimCrnt = 1 To 5 
     If Requirements(ColReqStep, DimCrnt) = 0 Then 
     Exit For 
     End If 
     Index(DimCrnt) = Index(DimCrnt) + 1 
     Entry(DimCrnt) = Entry(DimCrnt) + _ 
          Requirements(ColReqStep, DimCrnt) 
     ' ### Changes required her if a negative step value is allow 
     If Entry(DimCrnt) <= Requirements(ColReqMax, DimCrnt) Then 
     ' This stepped entry is within permitted range 
     EntryStepped = True 
     Exit For 
     End If 
     ' This entry past its maximum so reset to minimum 
     ' and let for loop step entry for next dimension 
     Index(DimCrnt) = 1 
     Entry(DimCrnt) = Requirements(ColReqMin, DimCrnt) 
    If Not EntryStepped Then 
     ' All elements of Result initialised 
     Exit Do 
    End If 


    ' All elements of Result initialised 
    ' Output values as test. 

    FileOutNum = FreeFile 

    Open ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\" & Format(Now(), "yymmdd hhmmss") & ".txt" _ 
     For Output As #FileOutNum 

    ' Initialise Index 
    For DimCrnt = 1 To 5 
    Index(DimCrnt) = 1 

    ' Create header line for table 
    Print #FileOutNum, "Dimensions" 
    Stg = "" 
    For DimCrnt = 1 To 5 
    If Requirements(ColReqStep, DimCrnt) = 0 Then 
     Exit For 
    End If 
    Stg = Stg & Right(" " & DimCrnt, 4) 
    Stg = Stg & " Value" 
    Print #FileOutNum, Stg 

    ' Similar logic to loop that intialised Result but using Index and UBound. 
    Do While True 

    ' Output initial element or element identified by previous loop 
    Stg = "" 
    For DimCrnt = 1 To 5 
     If Requirements(ColReqStep, DimCrnt) = 0 Then 
     Exit For 
     End If 
     Stg = Stg & Right(" " & Index(DimCrnt), 4) 
    Stg = Stg & " " & Result(Index(1), Index(2), Index(3), Index(4), Index(5)) 
    Print #FileOutNum, Stg 

    ' Identify next element, if any 
    IndexStepped = False 
    For DimCrnt = 1 To 5 
     If Requirements(ColReqStep, DimCrnt) = 0 Then 
     Exit For 
     End If 
     Index(DimCrnt) = Index(DimCrnt) + 1 
     If Index(DimCrnt) <= UBound(Result, DimCrnt) Then 
     IndexStepped = True 
     Exit For 
     Index(DimCrnt) = 1 
     End If 
    If Not IndexStepped Then 
     ' All entries output 
     Exit Do 
    End If 

    Close #FileOutNum 

End Sub 

謝謝託尼。這很棒!!!我必須仔細查看以確保我理解它。我認爲我可以適應它以適應我的需求。我想通過「輸入次數」將組合保存到「組合數」數組中。對於這個例子,它將是數組(1到250,1到3)。 – Jason


如果一個數組(1到250,1到3)足以滿足您的需求,那麼我誤解了您所尋求的。您的問題意味着每個輸入需要一個維度,而維度的大小是針對輸入的。 –