我已經在Emacs中設置了空白模式,只顯示標籤,空格和硬空格。但是,我無法擺脫換行符。請參見下面的截圖,它們被顯示爲灰色光標:如何在Emacs Blank模式下不顯示換行符
根據BlankMode documentation,空白字符選項決定BlankMode顯示哪些空白字符。
從長文檔中的blank-mode.el package:
(defcustom blank-chars
'(tabs spaces trailing lines space-before-tab newline
indentation empty space-after-tab)
"*Specify which kind of blank is visualized.
It's a list which element value can be:
trailing trailing blanks are visualized.
tabs TABs are visualized.
spaces SPACEs and HARD SPACEs are visualized.
lines lines whose have columns beyond
`blank-line-column' are highlighted.
Whole line is highlighted.
It has precedence over
`lines-tail' (see below).
lines-tail lines whose have columns beyond
`blank-line-column' are highlighted.
But only the part of line which goes
beyond `blank-line-column' column.
It has effect only if `lines' (see above)
is not present in `blank-chars'.
space-before-tab SPACEs before TAB are visualized.
newline NEWLINEs are visualized.
indentation 8 or more SPACEs at beginning of line are
empty empty lines at beginning and/or end of buffer
are visualized.
space-after-tab 8 or more SPACEs after a TAB are visualized.
Any other value is ignored.
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你可能會考慮換出BlankMode爲[空白符(http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/WhiteSpace),它已經取代了它。 – razlebe
那些投票遷移到超級用戶 - [編程工具是關於這個主題](http://stackoverflow.com/faq#questions)。 – 2012-01-11 10:41:08