我正在尋找返回YouTube中的信息流的日程安排日期。定流的返回即將推出的YouTube API V3視頻日程安排日期?
這是我的代碼來拉這個數據出來使用YouTube V3 API:
$videos = $this->yt->searchAdvanced(array(
'q' => '',
'part' => 'snippet',
'channelId' => $this->channel_id,
'eventType' => $event_type, // Upcoming
'type' => 'video',
'order' => 'date',
'maxResults' => $max,
id, snippet, contentDetails, player, statistics, status
:預定日期在哪裏? :
stdClass Object
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[etag] => "q5k97EMVGxODeKcDgp8gnMu79wM/KAZsrzeX5ImiUQpLbwhPR7lo9mA"
[id] => qUAmTYHEyM8
[snippet] => stdClass Object
[publishedAt] => 2016-03-03T06:48:50.000Z
[channelId] => UCP7jMXSY2xbc3KCAE0MHQ-A
[title] => Match 3 - Google DeepMind Challenge Match: Lee Sedol vs AlphaGo
[description] => Watch DeepMind's program AlphaGo take on the legendary Lee Sedol (9-dan pro), the top Go player of the past decade, in a $1M 5-game challenge match in Seoul. This is the livestream for Match 3 to be played on: 12th March 13:00 KST (local), 04:00 GMT; note for US viewers this is the day before on: 11th March 20:00 PT, 23:00 ET.
In October 2015, AlphaGo became the first computer program ever to beat a professional Go player by winning 5-0 against the reigning 3-times European Champion Fan Hui (2-dan pro). That work was featured in a front cover article in the science journal Nature in January 2016.
Match commentary by Michael Redmond (9-dan pro) and Chris Garlock.
[thumbnails] => stdClass Object
[default] => stdClass Object
[url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/qUAmTYHEyM8/default_live.jpg
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[medium] => stdClass Object
[url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/qUAmTYHEyM8/mqdefault_live.jpg
[width] => 320
[height] => 180
[high] => stdClass Object
[url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/qUAmTYHEyM8/hqdefault_live.jpg
[width] => 480
[height] => 360
[standard] => stdClass Object
[url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/qUAmTYHEyM8/sddefault_live.jpg
[width] => 640
[height] => 480
[maxres] => stdClass Object
[url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/qUAmTYHEyM8/maxresdefault_live.jpg
[width] => 1280
[height] => 720
[channelTitle] => DeepMind
[categoryId] => 28
[liveBroadcastContent] => upcoming
[localized] => stdClass Object
[title] => Match 3 - Google DeepMind Challenge Match: Lee Sedol vs AlphaGo
[description] => Watch DeepMind's program AlphaGo take on the legendary Lee Sedol (9-dan pro), the top Go player of the past decade, in a $1M 5-game challenge match in Seoul. This is the livestream for Match 3 to be played on: 12th March 13:00 KST (local), 04:00 GMT; note for US viewers this is the day before on: 11th March 20:00 PT, 23:00 ET.
In October 2015, AlphaGo became the first computer program ever to beat a professional Go player by winning 5-0 against the reigning 3-times European Champion Fan Hui (2-dan pro). That work was featured in a front cover article in the science journal Nature in January 2016.
Match commentary by Michael Redmond (9-dan pro) and Chris Garlock.
[contentDetails] => stdClass Object
[duration] => PT0S
[dimension] => 2d
[definition] => sd
[caption] => false
[licensedContent] => 1
[status] => stdClass Object
[uploadStatus] => uploaded
[privacyStatus] => public
[license] => youtube
[embeddable] => 1
[publicStatsViewable] => 1
[statistics] => stdClass Object
[viewCount] => 41
[likeCount] => 1
[dislikeCount] => 0
[favoriteCount] => 0
[commentCount] => 0
[player] => stdClass Object
[embedHtml] =>