2017-10-15 82 views



0.5 - 1 - 1.5 - 2 - 2.5 - 3 - 3.5 - 4 - 4.5 - 5



//we define in a variable the id of the product valued by the valuation system 
$id_product = 1; 

//we obtain an average and integer value equivalent to 4.5 and 5 
$stmt = $con->prepare("SELECT SUM(rating) as total FROM ratings WHERE id_product=? AND rating in(4.5,5)"); 


while ($stmt->fetch()) { 
    echo $sum; 

//we obtain an average and integer value equivalent to 3.5 and 4 
$stmt = $con->prepare("SELECT SUM(rating) as total FROM ratings WHERE id_product=? AND rating in(3.5,4)"); 


while ($stmt->fetch()) { 
    echo $sum; 

//we obtain an average and integer value equivalent to 2.5 and 3 
$stmt = $con->prepare("SELECT SUM(rating) as total FROM ratings WHERE id_product=? AND rating in(2.5,3)"); 


while ($stmt->fetch()) { 
    echo $sum; 

//we obtain an average and integer value equivalent to 1.5 and 2 
$stmt = $con->prepare("SELECT SUM(rating) as total FROM ratings WHERE id_product=? AND rating in(1.5,2)"); 


while ($stmt->fetch()) { 
    echo $sum; 

//we obtain an average and integer value equivalent to 0.5 and 1 
$stmt = $con->prepare("SELECT SUM(rating) as total FROM ratings WHERE id_product=? AND rating in(0.5,1)"); 


while ($stmt->fetch()) { 
    echo $sum; 


enter image description here


'Sumo'?就像'摔角'一樣? – Strawberry


@Strawberry不是那麼嚴重只有一個正確的錯誤可以說他的意思是「總和」 –





$stmt = $con->prepare(' 
    SELECT SUM(rating IN (4.5, 5))/COUNT(*)*100 AS pct_5_star, 
      SUM(rating IN (3.5, 4))/COUNT(*)*100 AS pct_4_star, 
      SUM(rating IN (2.5, 3))/COUNT(*)*100 AS pct_3_star, 
      SUM(rating IN (1.5, 2))/COUNT(*)*100 AS pct_2_star, 
      SUM(rating IN (0.5, 1))/COUNT(*)*100 AS pct_1_star, 
      AVG(rating) AS avg_rating 
    FROM ratings 
    WHERE id_product = ?'); 
$stmt->bind_param('i', $id_product); 
$percents = array(; 
$stmt->bind_result($percents[5], $percents[4], $percents[3], $percents[2], $percents[1], $avg_rating); 
if ($stmt->fetch()) { 
    for ($i in array(5, 4, 3, 2, 1)) { 
     echo "%i stars: " . round($percents[$i]) . "%<br>"; 
    echo "Average rating: $avg_rating<br>"; 
} else { 
    echo "This product is not yet rated<br>"; 

,並以這種方式如何顯示個人百分比作爲圖像即幾個客戶投票明星10%的客戶,例如 – Alex


使條的長度取決於'pct _#_ star'。 – Barmar


PHP具有圖像功能,可讓您創建特定大小的矩形。 – Barmar