

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" 
    android:orientation="vertical" > 

     android:progressDrawable="@android:drawable/progress_horizontal" /> 

     android:scrollbars="none" /> 



09-06 16:57:41.233: I/ActivityManager(358): Displayed com.example.myapp.video/.MainActivity: +341ms 
09-06 16:57:41.313: D/dalvikvm(27248): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 3498K, 42% free 19676K/33543K, paused 47ms, total 50ms 
09-06 16:57:41.423: D/dalvikvm(27248): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1565K, 41% free 19940K/33543K, paused 54ms, total 54ms 
09-06 16:57:41.583: E/SQLiteLog(14294): (14) cannot open file at line 30174 of [00bb9c9ce4] 
09-06 16:57:41.583: E/SQLiteLog(14294): (14) os_unix.c:30174: (2) open(/CachedGeoposition.db) - 
09-06 16:57:41.583: D/WebKit(14294): ERROR: 
09-06 16:57:41.583: D/WebKit(14294): SQLite database failed to load from /CachedGeoposition.db 
09-06 16:57:41.583: D/WebKit(14294): Cause - unable to open database file 
09-06 16:57:41.583: D/WebKit(14294): external/webkit/Source/WebCore/platform/sql/SQLiteDatabase.cpp(71) : bool WebCore::SQLiteDatabase::open(const WTF::String&, bool) 
09-06 16:57:41.673: D/TilesManager(14294): new EGLContext from framework: 66233588 
09-06 16:57:41.673: D/GLWebViewState(14294): Reinit shader 
09-06 16:57:41.673: D/GLWebViewState(14294): Reinit transferQueue 
09-06 16:57:44.913: A/libc(14294): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0x00000008 (code=1), thread 14294 (ample.myapp.video) 
09-06 16:57:45.013: I/DEBUG(122): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 
09-06 16:57:45.013: I/DEBUG(122): Build fingerprint: 'google/nakasi/grouper:4.1.1/JRO03D/402395:user/release-keys' 
09-06 16:57:45.013: I/DEBUG(122): pid: 14294, tid: 14294, name: ample.myapp.video >>> com.example.myapp.video <<< 
09-06 16:57:45.013: I/DEBUG(122): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 00000008 
09-06 16:57:45.083: I/DEBUG(122):  r0 662b1f78 r1 00002060 r2 00000000 r3 00000004 
09-06 16:57:45.083: I/DEBUG(122):  r4 00000008 r5 66323060 r6 00000008 r7 00000010 
09-06 16:57:45.083: I/DEBUG(122):  r8 00000008 r9 00002060 sl 6630cee4 fp 00000004 
09-06 16:57:45.083: I/DEBUG(122):  ip 00000000 sp bee12308 lr 67643fa0 pc 67643d14 cpsr 20000010 
09-06 16:57:45.083: I/DEBUG(122):  d0 0000000b44921000 d1 4138000041300000 
09-06 16:57:45.083: I/DEBUG(122):  d2 4445400044920000 d3 000004904491a000 
09-06 16:57:45.083: I/DEBUG(122):  d4 0000048d00000315 d5 444540000000048d 
09-06 16:57:45.083: I/DEBUG(122):  d6 4492000000000315 d7 3f800000000004b5 
09-06 16:57:45.083: I/DEBUG(122):  d8 c0000000c0000000 d9 0000000000000000 
09-06 16:57:45.083: I/DEBUG(122):  d10 0000000000000000 d11 0000000000000000 
09-06 16:57:45.083: I/DEBUG(122):  d12 0000000000000000 d13 0000000000000000 
09-06 16:57:45.083: I/DEBUG(122):  d14 0000000000000000 d15 0000000000000000 
09-06 16:57:45.083: I/DEBUG(122):  d16 4092400000000000 d17 7e37e43c8800759c 
09-06 16:57:45.083: I/DEBUG(122):  d18 0000000000000000 d19 0000000000000000 
09-06 16:57:45.083: I/DEBUG(122):  d20 0000000000000000 d21 0000000000000000 
09-06 16:57:45.083: I/DEBUG(122):  d22 0000000000000000 d23 0000000000000000 
09-06 16:57:45.083: I/DEBUG(122):  d24 3ff26a7f0aacdd31 d25 3ff550a851800000 
09-06 16:57:45.083: I/DEBUG(122):  d26 0000000000000000 d27 0000000000000000 
09-06 16:57:45.083: I/DEBUG(122):  d28 4091fc0002180000 d29 0000000000000000 
09-06 16:57:45.083: I/DEBUG(122):  d30 bff550a861e00000 d31 0000000000000000 
09-06 16:57:45.083: I/DEBUG(122):  scr 20000012 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122): backtrace: 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):  #00 pc 0003bd14 /system/lib/egl/libGLESv2_tegra.so 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):  #01 pc 0003bf9c /system/lib/egl/libGLESv2_tegra.so 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):  #02 pc 0003c470 /system/lib/egl/libGLESv2_tegra.so 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):  #03 pc 00011f98 /system/lib/egl/libGLESv2_tegra.so (glDrawArrays+156) 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):  #04 pc 00016497 /system/lib/libhwui.so 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):  #05 pc 00016549 /system/lib/libhwui.so 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):  #06 pc 000107bb /system/lib/libhwui.so 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):  #07 pc 00010a25 /system/lib/libhwui.so 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):  #08 pc 00010a25 /system/lib/libhwui.so 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):  #09 pc 00010a25 /system/lib/libhwui.so 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):  #10 pc 00010a25 /system/lib/libhwui.so 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):  #11 pc 00059c8f /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):  #12 pc 0001de30 /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmPlatformInvoke+112) 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):  #13 pc 0004d083 /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmCallJNIMethod(unsigned int const*, JValue*, Method const*, Thread*)+394) 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):  #14 pc 00027260 /system/lib/libdvm.so 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):  #15 pc 0002bb68 /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmInterpret(Thread*, Method const*, JValue*)+180) 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):  #16 pc 0005fab7 /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmInvokeMethod(Object*, Method const*, ArrayObject*, ArrayObject*, ClassObject*, bool)+374) 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):  #17 pc 0006700d /system/lib/libdvm.so 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):  #18 pc 00027260 /system/lib/libdvm.so 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):  #19 pc 0002bb68 /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmInterpret(Thread*, Method const*, JValue*)+180) 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):  #20 pc 0005f7f1 /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmCallMethodV(Thread*, Method const*, Object*, bool, JValue*, std::__va_list)+272) 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):  #21 pc 00049673 /system/lib/libdvm.so 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):  #22 pc 0004698d /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):  #23 pc 0004746f /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so (android::AndroidRuntime::start(char const*, char const*)+390) 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):  #24 pc 00000dcf /system/bin/app_process 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122): stack: 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   bee122c8 0000002a 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   bee122cc 0000000c 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   bee122d0 67070d30 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   bee122d4 662b21f8 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   bee122d8 00000610 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   bee122dc 00000048 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   bee122e0 00000000 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   bee122e4 66227561 /system/lib/libardrv_dynamic.so (NvArdShaderWriteFlags+152) 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   bee122e8 00000000 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   bee122ec 6630cce8 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   bee122f0 00000000 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   bee122f4 00000024 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   bee122f8 00000009 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   bee122fc 6622a7fd /system/lib/libardrv_dynamic.so (NvArdLoadVertexConstants_CPU_PIO+32) 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   bee12300 df0027ad 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   bee12304 00000000 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):  #00 bee12308 662b8470 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   bee1230c 6624d1b8 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   bee12310 6630caf8 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   bee12314 00000001 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   bee12318 0000082d 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   bee1231c 662b21fc 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   bee12320 d5942160 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   bee12324 6630ceec 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   bee12328 6624d1b8 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   bee1232c 00000010 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   bee12330 00000008 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   bee12334 00000008 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   bee12338 00000001 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   bee1233c 6630cee4 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   bee12340 00000003 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   bee12344 67643fa0 /system/lib/egl/libGLESv2_tegra.so 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):  #01 bee12348 00000000 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   bee1234c 00000000 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   bee12350 00000010 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   bee12354 00000008 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   bee12358 00000004 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   bee1235c 6764aa7c /system/lib/egl/libGLESv2_tegra.so 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   bee12360 662b21f8 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   bee12364 6630ceec 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   bee12368 662b1f30 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   bee1236c 00000000 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   bee12370 00000010 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   bee12374 662b1f78 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   bee12378 67687464 /system/lib/egl/libGLESv2_tegra.so 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   bee1237c 00000000 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   bee12380 6624d1b8 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   bee12384 6624d1b8 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   ........ ........ 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):  #02 bee123a8 00000000 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   bee123ac 00000000 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   bee123b0 00000000 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   bee123b4 00000004 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   bee123b8 00000010 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   bee123bc 000003fc 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   bee123c0 00000000 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   bee123c4 662b1f30 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   bee123c8 00000000 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   bee123cc 00000005 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   bee123d0 00000006 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   bee123d4 00000000 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   bee123d8 00000000 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   bee123dc 00000000 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   bee123e0 00000004 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   bee123e4 6624d1b8 
09-06 16:57:45.093: I/DEBUG(122):   ........ ........ 
09-06 16:57:45.103: I/DEBUG(122): memory near r0: 
09-06 16:57:45.103: I/DEBUG(122):  662b1f58 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 
09-06 16:57:45.103: I/DEBUG(122):  662b1f68 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 
09-06 16:57:45.103: I/DEBUG(122):  662b1f78 c48300e00 0000c000 00004000 [email protected] 
09-06 16:57:45.103: I/DEBUG(122):  662b1f88 00000048 00000100 00002088 00002040 H........ [email protected] .. 
09-06 16:57:45.103: I/DEBUG(122):  662b1f98 00002040 00000000 00000000 00000020 @ .......... ... 
09-06 16:57:45.103: I/DEBUG(122): memory near r1: 
09-06 16:57:45.103: I/DEBUG(122):  00002040 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ................ 
09-06 16:57:45.103: I/DEBUG(122):  00002050 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ................ 
09-06 16:57:45.103: I/DEBUG(122):  00002060 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ................ 
09-06 16:57:45.103: I/DEBUG(122):  00002070 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ................ 
09-06 16:57:45.103: I/DEBUG(122):  00002080 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ................ 
09-06 16:57:45.103: I/DEBUG(122): memory near r5: 
09-06 16:57:45.103: I/DEBUG(122):  66323040 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ................ 
09-06 16:57:45.103: I/DEBUG(122):  66323050 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ................ 
09-06 16:57:45.103: I/DEBUG(122):  66323060 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ................ 
09-06 16:57:45.103: I/DEBUG(122):  66323070 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ................ 
09-06 16:57:45.103: I/DEBUG(122):  66323080 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ................ 
09-06 16:57:45.103: I/DEBUG(122): memory near r9: 
09-06 16:57:45.103: I/DEBUG(122):  00002040 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ................ 
09-06 16:57:45.103: I/DEBUG(122):  00002050 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ................ 
09-06 16:57:45.103: I/DEBUG(122):  00002060 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ................ 
09-06 16:57:45.103: I/DEBUG(122):  00002070 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ................ 
09-06 16:57:45.103: I/DEBUG(122):  00002080 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ................ 
09-06 16:57:45.103: I/DEBUG(122): memory near sl: 
09-06 16:57:45.103: I/DEBUG(122):  6630cec4 00000002 00000003 00000000 00000001 ................ 
09-06 16:57:45.103: I/DEBUG(122):  6630ced4 00000000 00000001 00fe0002 00dc0001 ................ 
09-06 16:57:45.103: I/DEBUG(122):  6630cee4 00000000 00008b52 00000101 00008b50 ....R.......P... 
09-06 16:57:45.103: I/DEBUG(122):  6630cef4 0000ffff 00008b52 00000313 662ba630 ....R.......0.+f 
09-06 16:57:45.103: I/DEBUG(122):  6630cf04 6630c410 6630d0d8 00000002 00000002 ..0f..0f........ 
09-06 16:57:45.103: I/DEBUG(122): memory near sp: 
09-06 16:57:45.103: I/DEBUG(122):  bee122e8 00000000 6630cce8 00000000 00000024 ......0f....$... 
09-06 16:57:45.103: I/DEBUG(122):  bee122f8 00000009 6622a7fd df0027ad 00000000 ......"f.'...... 
09-06 16:57:45.103: I/DEBUG(122):  bee12308 662b8470 6624d1b8 6630caf8 00000001 p.+f..$f..0f.... 
09-06 16:57:45.103: I/DEBUG(122):  bee12318 0000082d 662b21fc d5942160 6630ceec -....!+f`!....0f 
09-06 16:57:45.103: I/DEBUG(122):  bee12328 6624d1b8 00000010 00000008 00000008 ..$f............ 
09-06 16:57:45.103: I/DEBUG(122): code around pc: 
09-06 16:57:45.103: I/DEBUG(122):  67643cf4 eaffffa3 e3540008 13a03000 02033001 ......T..0...0.. 
09-06 16:57:45.103: I/DEBUG(122):  67643d04 e3530000 01a0800b 0a000007 e1a0300b ..S..........0.. 
09-06 16:57:45.103: I/DEBUG(122):  67643d14 e8960003 e2533001 e0866007 e8850003 .....0S..`...... 
09-06 16:57:45.103: I/DEBUG(122):  67643d24 e2855008 1afffff9 eaffff95 e1a00005 .P.............. 
09-06 16:57:45.103: I/DEBUG(122):  67643d34 e1a01006 e1a02004 e0855004 ebff2932 ..... ...P..2).. 
09-06 16:57:45.103: I/DEBUG(122): code around lr: 
09-06 16:57:45.103: I/DEBUG(122):  67643f80 e59de06c e59d002c e59d3068 e58dc004 l...,...h0...... 
09-06 16:57:45.103: I/DEBUG(122):  67643f90 e58d6008 e58d700c e58de010 ebfffedd .`...p.......... 
09-06 16:57:45.103: I/DEBUG(122):  67643fa0 e59d2024 e3520002 e1a01000 0a000050 $ ....R.....P... 
09-06 16:57:45.103: I/DEBUG(122):  67643fb0 e2817003 e3c76003 e59d301c e06a1004 .p...`...0....j. 
09-06 16:57:45.103: I/DEBUG(122):  67643fc0 e2844008 e19370d1 e3570000 aaffff9c [email protected] 
09-06 16:57:45.263: I/BootReceiver(358): Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_07 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE) 
09-06 16:57:45.283: I/WindowState(358): WIN DEATH: Window{4181ebd0 com.example.myapp.video/com.example.myapp.video.MainActivity paused=false} 
09-06 16:57:45.283: I/ActivityManager(358): Process com.example.myapp.video (pid 14294) has died. 
09-06 16:57:45.283: W/ActivityManager(358): Force removing ActivityRecord{415c9a88 com.example.myapp.video/.MainActivity}: app died, no saved state 
09-06 16:57:45.333: D/Zygote(124): Process 14294 terminated by signal (11) 

請不要轉發問題,即使您刪除舊的問題。 – Sam


我以爲我解決了這個問題,但沒有。我應該如何解決這個問題? – Nick


如果您因爲認爲自己回答了問題而合法地刪除了一個問題,那就沒關係。下次不要這麼倉促。有些人喜歡用這種方式來垃圾郵件,這很粗魯。 – Sam





如果這是在裝有ROM Mod的設備上,請先聯繫ROM維護者。


這是使用JellyBean在股票Nexus 7上運行的。另外,可以在許多設備上重現,並且不需要JNI代碼。對我來說看起來像一個bug。我將提交一份錯誤報告。謝謝! – Nick


看起來像刪除「android:indeterminateOnly =」false「」導致它不會崩潰。但是,這使我的進度條無用。是否有另一種方法來創建一個不確定的進度條? – Nick


@Nick:'ProgressBar'默認是確定的,特別是一旦你開始調用'setProgress()'。 – CommonsWare