我有一個Scala類,旨在推廣線性模型的一些功能 - 具體來說,用戶應該能夠創建一個具有係數數組和實例的數組預測器,並且該類從DataFrame中提取數據,並使用簡單線性模型在整個DataFrame上創建預測,如下所示。scala /火星地圖返回一個數組而不是單個值
[error] found : Array[org.apache.spark.sql.Column]
[error] required: org.apache.spark.sql.Column
[error] .withColumn("prediction", colMod(preds.map(p => data(p))))
[error] ^
...這也是我獲得預解碼< - preds版本...並在foreach版本:
[error] found : Unit
[error] required: org.apache.spark.sql.Column
[error] .withColumn("prediction", colMod(preds.foreach(data(_))))
[error] ^
class LinearModel(coefficients: Array[Double],
predictors: Array[String],
data: DataFrame) {
val coefs = coefficients
val preds = Array.concat(Array("bias"), predictors)
require(coefs.length == preds.length)
* predict: computes linear model predictions as the dot product of the coefficents and the
* values (X[i] in the model matrix)
* @param values: the values from a single row of the given variables from model matrix X
* @param coefs: array of coefficients to be applied to each of the variables in values
* (the first coef is assumed to be 1 for the bias/intercept term)
* @return: the predicted value
private def predict(values: Array[Double], coefs: Array[Double]): Unit = {
(for ((c, v) <- coefs.zip(values)) yield c * v).sum
* colMod (udf): passes the values for each relevant value to predict()
* @param values: an Array of the numerical values of each of the specified predictors for a
* given record
private val colMod = udf((values: Array[Double]) => predict(values, coefs))
val dfPred = data
// create the column with the prediction
.withColumn("prediction", colMod(preds.map(p => data(p))))
//.withColumn("prediction", colMod(for (pred <- preds) yield data(pred)))
//.withColumn("prediction", colMod(preds.foreach(data(_))))
// prev line should = colMod(data(pred1), data(pred2), ..., data(predn))