2017-06-20 95 views

Liquid Warning: Liquid syntax error (line 40): Expected end_of_string but found string in "{{page.title | truncate '110' | cgi_escape }}" in /_layouts/post.html液體警告語法錯誤

Liquid Exception: undefined method line_number for "":String in /_layouts/post.html jekyll 3.5.0 | Error: undefined method line_number for "":String


<div class="article-share"> 
    {% assign page_title = page.title | truncate '110' | cgi_escape %} 
    {% capture twitter-share-text %} 
    {{ page_title }} - {{ page.url | absolute_url }}{% if site.social.twitter %} by @{{ site.social.twitter }}{% endif %} 
    {% endcapture %} 


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     <article class="article {% if site.scrollappear_enabled %}appear{% endif %}"> 
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      <h1>{{ page.title }}</h1> 
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       {% capture words %} 
        {{ page.content | number_of_words }} 
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       {% unless words contains "-" %} 
        {{ words | plus: 250 | divided_by: 250 | append: " minute read" }} 
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       <span class="article-list-divider">-</span> 
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      <div class="article-content"> 
      {{ content }} 

      <div class="article-share"> 
      {% assign page_title = page.title | truncate: 110 | cgi_escape %} 
      {% capture twitter-share-text %} 
       {{ page_title }} - {{ page.url | absolute_url }}{% if site.social.twitter %} by @{{ site.social.twitter }}{% endif %} 
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我認爲你缺少一個冒號 - truncate: