我是新來的Android,只是試圖將一個示例項目(藍牙聊天應用程序)加載到我的智能手機(運行Android 2.3.4)。 Eclipse中的目標構建項目使用Android API級別15(Android 4.0.3)。當我嘗試使用連接的手機進行「以Android應用程序運行」時,Android設備選擇器會指出該設備不兼容,並且出現以下文本中顯示的錯誤。我如何解決這個問題?當然,我不應該將我的構建目標降級到更低的API級別(10)以及可能的鬆散功能?不兼容的Android目標設備?
<uses-sdk minSdkVersion="6" />
[2012-01-27 19:59:43 - BluetoothChat] Android Launch!
[2012-01-27 19:59:43 - BluetoothChat] adb is running normally.
[2012-01-27 19:59:43 - BluetoothChat] Performing com.example.android.BluetoothChat.BluetoothChat activity launch
[2012-01-27 19:59:43 - BluetoothChat] Automatic Target Mode: Unable to detect device compatibility. Please select a target device.
[2012-01-27 20:00:02 - BluetoothChat] WARNING: Application does not specify an API level requirement!
[2012-01-27 20:00:02 - BluetoothChat] Device API version is 10 (Android 2.3.4)
[2012-01-27 20:00:02 - BluetoothChat] Uploading BluetoothChat.apk onto device '304D1938E5584E7E'
[2012-01-27 20:00:02 - BluetoothChat] Installing BluetoothChat.apk...
[2012-01-27 20:00:03 - BluetoothChat] Re-installation failed due to different application signatures.
[2012-01-27 20:00:03 - BluetoothChat] You must perform a full uninstall of the application. WARNING: This will remove the application data!
[2012-01-27 20:00:03 - BluetoothChat] Please execute 'adb uninstall com.example.android.BluetoothChat' in a shell.
[2012-01-27 20:00:03 - BluetoothChat] Launch canceled!
爲什麼你會期望Android 2.3.4設備具有4.0.3的功能?更重要的是,您爲什麼期望SDK能讓您編寫不會在目標設備上運行的代碼? – arootbeer 2012-01-27 18:22:11
因爲我認爲minSdkVersion =「6」可以讓我在早期的版本上運行它...? – Graham 2012-01-27 19:45:08