我已經在eclipse中檢出了一個項目,雖然它有一些編譯錯誤,就像缺少庫。我修好了它。現在我在整個項目中看不到任何錯誤,但仍然在項目文件夾上有紅色標記。這使我無法編譯該項目。我知道這樣很難提出解決方案,但我找不到任何可以發佈的相關信息。你們可能已經通過這個錯誤PLZ幫助。 (我使用eclipse juno,項目在4.1 google api上)。android項目包含錯誤(日食),但不可見
[2013-07-11 17:26:49 - ] Found 3 versions of android-support-v4.jar in the dependency list,
[2013-07-11 17:26:49 - ] but not all the versions are identical (check is based on SHA-1 only at this time).
[2013-07-11 17:26:49 - ] All versions of the libraries must be the same at this time.
[2013-07-11 17:26:49 - ] Versions found are:
[2013-07-11 17:26:49 - ] Path: C:\Users\Ankit\workspace\workspace-android\FacebookSDK\libs\android-support-v4.jar
[2013-07-11 17:26:49 - ] Length: 349252
[2013-07-11 17:26:49 - ] SHA-1: 612846c9857077a039b533718f72db3bc041d389
[2013-07-11 17:26:49 - ] Path: C:\Users\Ankit\workspace\workspace-android\HealthCity\libs\android-support-v4.jar
[2013-07-11 17:26:49 - ] Length: 271754
[2013-07-11 17:26:49 - ] SHA-1: 53307dc2bd2b69fd5533458ee11885f55807de4b
[2013-07-11 17:26:49 - ] Path: C:\Users\Ankit\Desktop\SlidingMenu-master\library\libs\android-support-v4.jar
[2013-07-11 17:26:49 - ] Length: 385685
[2013-07-11 17:26:49 - ] SHA-1: 48c94ae70fa65718b382098237806a5909bb096e
[2013-07-11 17:26:49 - ] Jar mismatch! Fix your dependencies
那紅色的標記是驚歎號嗎? – Jaguar
這是一個十字標誌。 – Ankit
如果您還沒有嘗試清理並重建。 –