Unexpected key "blogList" found in initialState argument passed to createStore. Expected to find one of the known reducer keys instead: "routing". Unexpected keys will be ignored.
隨着這個錯誤我不是在商店狀態得到初步數據。 來自文檔:
[initialState](any):初始狀態。您可以選擇將其指定爲通用應用程序中的服務器狀態,或恢復先前序列化的用戶會話。 如果您使用combineReducers製作減速器,則它必須是與傳遞給它的鍵形狀相同的普通對象。否則,你可以自由地傳遞你的reducer可以理解的任何東西。
var Redux = require('redux');
var syncHistoryWithStore = require('react-router-redux').syncHistoryWithStore;
var browserHistory = require('react-router').browserHistory;
var rootReducer = require('../reducers/index');
//var BlogActions = require('./actions/actions.js');
var blogList = {
"heading": "Heading of blogpost : No topic suggested",
"cardText": "Content of this blogpost is temporary and will be gathered from Server later. Also Reflux is yet to be implemented",
"date": "16 July, 2016",
"tags": ["general","react","firstpost"],
"content": "sample text"
var defaultState = {
blogList: blogList
var BlogStore = Redux.createStore(rootReducer, defaultState);
var history = syncHistoryWithStore(browserHistory, BlogStore);
module.exports = { "store" : BlogStore, "history" : history };
var combineReducers = require('redux').combineReducers;
var routerReducer = require('react-router-redux').routerReducer;
var blogList = require('./blogList');
var rootReducer = combineReducers({blogList:blogList,routing:routerReducer});
module.exports = rootReducer;
function blogList (state, action) {
return state;
module.export = blogList;
附: :我正在使用React Router和redux。我可以在反應開發工具中看到store.getState中的路由。
如果您在您的rootReducer文件中調試var blogList是否定義了? –
@ The Brofessor,謝謝你的提示。 blogList是在rootReducer中定義的,但它是空對象(typeof blogList === object)。然而對於rootReducer來說,它是功能。我是以錯誤的方式輸出嗎? –
@Br教授,我用根減速器直接調用了它的功能,它工作。我相信錯誤應該是由於出口。 –