2016-12-10 49 views

我想在我的網頁上使用javascript和html鏈接的兩個元素的'none'和'block'之間有'切換顯示'。當頁面上應該有兩個DIV時,其中一個是display:block,另一個是display:none,並帶有一個鏈接來切換每個div。javascript onclick切換樣式顯示


<div class="uvp_bar_display" id="uvp_bar"> 
<a class="" href="#document_body" id="uvp_bar_link" onclick="uvp_toggle_display(['uvp_bar_display', 'uvp_display'])"><img alt="" height="40" id="uvp_bar_image" src="/asset/image/sea_foam_minimized.gif" width="960px" /></a> 

<div class="uvp_display" id="uvp"> 
<img alt="sea foam" height="400" id="uvp_image" onclick="uvp_toggle_display(['uvp_bar_display', 'uvp_display'])" src="/asset/image/image.jpg" width="960" /> 


function uvp_toggle_display($ids) { 
    $id = Araray.isArray($ids) ? $ids : [$ids]; 
    $id.forEach(function $i) { 
     document.getElementById = 
     (document.getElementById($i).style.display == 'none') ? 'block' : 'none'; 




我管理我是JavaScript的noob,但我只有這麼多的耐心,這是我更新的foreach語句:更新:function uvp_toggle_display($ ids){ \t $ id = Araray.isArray($ ids)? $ ids:[$ ids]; \t \t $ id.forEach(function $ i){ \t \t document.getElementById =(document.getElementById($ i).style.display =='none')? 'block':'none'; \t} } – Nate


我正在重新指定document.getElementById的值,因爲這是腳本的用途,鏈接更改display:none to display:block and display block to display:none; – Nate




    <div id="div1" style="display:block;"> 
     <h1>Displaying Div 1</h1> 
    <div id="div2" style="display:none;"> 
     <h1>Displaying Div 2</h1> 
    <button type="submit" id="btnToogle">Toogle</button> 

var button = document.getElementById('btnToogle'); 
button.onclick = function() { 
    var div1 = document.getElementById('div1'); 
    var div2 = document.getElementById('div2'); 

    if (div1.style.display === 'none') { 
     div1.style.display = 'block'; 
     div2.style.display = 'none'; 
    } else { 
     div1.style.display = 'none'; 
     div2.style.display = 'block'; 

它的工作.... – Nate





以下sanjeev bhusals例如鏈接,這將是 VAR image_at =文件。的getElementById( 'image_at'); image_at.onclick =功能(..... 提防一個環節都有一個默認的動作,導致#whathereever。 想到用爲按鈕背景圖像,即可以解決這個矛盾 –





此外,不使用內嵌HTML事件處理屬性onclick等),爲他們創造「麪條代碼」,創建修改this綁定和不遵循W3C DOM Event Standard匿名全局函數


// First, wait until the DOM is loaded and then begin: 
window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(){ 
    // Get a reference to the link: 
    var link = document.getElementById("uvp_bar_link"); 
    // Get references to the divs that need to be shown/hidden 
    var divs = document.querySelectorAll("#uvp_bar, #uvp"); 
    // Set up a click event handler for the link: 
    link.addEventListener("click", uvp_toggle_display); 
    // This is the function that will run when the link has been clicked 
    function uvp_toggle_display(evt){ 
    // First, prevent the native behavior of the link: 
    // And, cancel the event from bubbling to other elements 
    // Now, toggle the divs by looping through the group 

     // And change the display based on what it is now. 
     // NOTE: inline styles are gotten and set via: element.style 
     //  but styles set anywhere else are gotten from window.getComputedStyle(element) 
     div.style.display = (window.getComputedStyle(div).display === "none") ? "block" : "none"; 
/* Don't set style information in HTML attributes, that's what CSS is for 
    See how much cleaner your HTML is now?         */ 
#uvp_bar_image {width:960px; height:40px; } 
#uvp_image { width:960px; height:400px;} 

/* Start the page off with one div not shown: */ 
#uvp { display:none;}
<!-- Your HTML was not correct for a few reasons: 
    1. You had inline event handlers (onclick) 
    2. You had attributes with no values (alt="", class="") 
    3. You were setting style information (height and width) using HTML attributes 
     3a. That should be done with CSS 
     3b. Even if you were going to do it in HTML, you included "px" in the values which is wrong 
    4. You can't have the link that toggles the visibility of the divs in one of the divs that 
     will wind up being hidden because you'll hide the link that brings it back. 

    <a href="#document_body" id="uvp_bar_link">Toggle divs</a> 

<div class="uvp_bar_display" id="uvp_bar"> 
    <img id="uvp_bar_image" src="/asset/image/sea_foam_minimized.gif" alt="image 1"> 

<div class="uvp_display" id="uvp"> 
    <img alt="sea foam" id="uvp_image" src="/asset/image/image.jpg"> 