2016-03-09 21 views

我在MATLAB中使用校驗碼函數給我一個提供的文件名中的所有錯誤消息的結構,以及它們的McCabe複雜度和與該錯誤相關的ID。即;查找MATLAB mlint警告ID的類別

info = checkcode(fileName, '-cyc','-id'); 




你可以鏈接一些文檔,哪些類別被解釋?我無法找到它.... –


一個主頁選項卡,單擊環境部分的首選項,然後選擇左側的「代碼分析器」。所有類別都在那裏。 –


爲了澄清,我的意圖是輸入一個錯誤ID,如'DWVRD'(它對應於錯誤「wavread將在未來版本中刪除,使用audioread代替」)到某個函數中,這將返回哪個類別此錯誤代碼被列在其下並與其相關的任何其他屬性。 –




這種解決方案的關鍵組件是undocumented -allmsg標誌of checkcode (or mlint)。如果提供此參數,則會打印完整的mlint ID列表,嚴重性代碼和說明。更重要的是,類別打印列表中所有mlint ID是各自mlint類別下上市。



checkcode('sum.m', '-allmsg'); 


INTER ========== Internal Message Fragments ========== 
    MSHHH 7 this is used for %#ok and should never be seen! 
    BAIL 7 done with run due to error 
    INTRN ========== Serious Internal Errors and Assertions ========== 
    NOLHS 3 Left side of an assignment is empty. 
    TMMSG 3 More than 50,000 Code Analyzer messages were generated, leading to some being deleted. 
    MXASET 4 Expression is too complex for code analysis to complete. 
    LIN2L 3 A source file line is too long for Code Analyzer. 
    QUIT 4 Earlier syntax errors confused Code Analyzer (or a possible Code Analyzer bug). 
    FILER ========== File Errors ========== 
    NOSPC 4 File <FILE> is too large or complex to analyze. 
    MBIG 4 File <FILE> is too big for Code Analyzer to handle. 
    NOFIL 4 File <FILE> cannot be opened for reading. 
    MDOTM 4 Filename <FILE> must be a valid MATLAB code file. 
    BDFIL 4 Filename <FILE> is not formed from a valid MATLAB identifier. 
    RDERR 4 Unable to read file <FILE>. 
    MCDIR 2 Class name <name> and @directory name do not agree: <FILE>. 
    MCFIL 2 Class name <name> and file name do not agree: <file>. 
    CFERR 1 Cannot open or read the Code Analyzer settings from file <FILE>. Using default settings instead. 
    MCLL 1 MCC does not allow C++ files to be read directly using LOADLIBRARY. 
    MCWBF 1 MCC requires that the first argument of WEBFIGURE not come from FIGURE(n). 
    MCWFL 1 MCC requires that the first argument of WEBFIGURE not come from FIGURE(n) (line <line #>). 
    NITS ========== Aesthetics and Readability ========== 
    DSPS 1 DISP(SPRINTF(...)) can usually be replaced by FPRINTF(...). 
    SEPEX 0 For better readability, use newline, semicolon, or comma before this statement. 
    NBRAK 0 Use of brackets [] is unnecessary. Use parentheses to group, if needed. 

第一列是顯然mlint ID,第二列實際上是一個嚴重程度數(0 =大多無害,1 =警告,2 =錯誤,4-7 =更嚴重的內部問題),第三列是顯示的消息。

正如你所看到的,所有的類別有一個標識符,但沒有嚴重性,他們的消息格式是===== Category Name =====

因此,現在我們可以解析這些信息並創建一些數據結構,以便我們輕鬆查找給定mlint ID的嚴重性和類別。

雖然如此,它並不總是那麼容易。不幸的是,checkcode(或mlint)只是將這些信息輸出到命令窗口中,並且不會將其分配給我們的任何輸出變量。因此,有必要使用evalcshudder)捕獲輸出並將其存儲爲字符串。然後,我們可以輕鬆解析此字符串以獲取與每個mlint ID關聯的類別和嚴重性。



warnings = mlintCatalog(); 

      id: 'DWVRD' 
     severity: 2 
     message: 'WAVREAD has been removed. Use AUDIOREAD instead.' 
     category: 'Discouraged Function Usage' 
    category_id: 17 


function [warnings, categories] = mlintCatalog() 
    % Get a list of all categories, mlint IDs, and severity rankings 
    output = evalc('checkcode sum.m -allmsg'); 

    % Break each line into it's components 
    lines = regexp(output, '\n', 'split').'; 
    pattern = '^\s*(?<id>[^\s]*)\s*(?<severity>\d*)\s*(?<message>.*?\s*$)'; 
    warnings = regexp(lines, pattern, 'names'); 
    warnings = cat(1, warnings{:}); 

    % Determine which ones are category names 
    isCategory = cellfun(@isempty, {warnings.severity}); 
    categories = warnings(isCategory); 

    % Fix up the category names 
    pattern = '(^\s*=*\s*|\s*=*\s*$)'; 
    messages = {categories.message}; 
    categoryNames = cellfun(@(x)regexprep(x, pattern, ''), messages, 'uni', 0); 
    [categories.message] = categoryNames{:}; 

    % Now pair each mlint ID with it's category 
    comp = bsxfun(@gt, 1:numel(warnings), find(isCategory).'); 
    [category_id, ~] = find(diff(comp, [], 1) == -1); 
    category_id(end+1:numel(warnings)) = numel(categories); 

    % Assign a category field to each mlint ID 
    [warnings.category] = categoryNames{category_id}; 

    category_id = num2cell(category_id); 
    [warnings.category_id] = category_id{:}; 

    % Remove the categories from the warnings list 
    warnings = warnings(~isCategory); 

    % Convert warning severity to a number 
    severity = num2cell(str2double({warnings.severity})); 
    [warnings.severity] = severity{:}; 

    % Save just the categories 
    categories = rmfield(categories, 'severity'); 

    % Convert array of structs to a struct where the MLINT ID is the field 
    warnings = orderfields(cell2struct(num2cell(warnings), {warnings.id})); 


這是獲得與給定mlint ID相關聯的類別和嚴重性的完全無證但還算穩健的方式。這個功能在2010年存在,甚至在此之前,所以它應該與任何你必須處理的MATLAB版本一起工作。這種方法比簡單地指出給定的mlint ID所處的類別還要靈活得多,因爲添加新功能並且不推薦使用舊功能,類別(和嚴重性)將從發佈變爲發佈。



這似乎比使用我創建的Excel文件存儲它們更好的解決方案。我一定會用這個更新我的方法。謝謝。 –


+1我對[Atom](https://atom.io/)文本編輯器的linter插件有類似的建議:https://github.com/ajdm/linter-matlab/issues/2#issuecomment- 182097020 – Amro



