2017-07-07 53 views







<div class="mySec header"> 
    <div class="info"> 
     <ul id="headList"> 
      <a data-section="top-left" id="link" href="#">ABOUT</a> 
      <a data-section="getInvolved" id="link" href="#">CLASSES</a> 
      <a data-section="footer" id="link" href="#">CONTACT</a> 
     <h1 class="title">Niki Gibbs Modern Pilates</h1> 
     <p class="title2">Working From The Inside Out.</p> 
     <img id="pilLogo" src="pilatesLog.png"> 


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使用this previous SO answer作爲參考,我modified your fiddle保持均勻的餘量圍繞整個框。我這樣做,特別是通過設置高度和寬度大於視小,然後翻譯框在屏幕的中間:

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<div class="mySec header"> 
    <div class="info"> 
    <ul id="headList"> 
     <a data-section="top-left" id="link" href="#">ABOUT</a> 
     <a data-section="getInvolved" id="link" href="#">CLASSES</a> 
     <a data-section="footer" id="link" href="#">CONTACT</a> 
    <h1 class="title">Niki Gibbs Modern Pilates</h1> 
    <p class="title2">Working From The Inside Out.</p> 
    <img id="pilLogo" src="pilatesLog.png"> 


完美!謝謝 –
