所以我首先要明確的是,我認爲這是我的錯誤,我只是看不到,但我想它可以幫助知道IDE是IntelliJ。另外,我一直在尋找其他溢出帖子(question 1,final keyword,question 2僅舉幾例),但他們還沒有回答我的問題,據我所知。我只有AP計算機科學作爲我的CS教育,所以我的知識非常有限。IntelliJ變量可能尚未初始化
public class PathMaker
class RiverPath
private final int startID;
private final int endID;
private final double branchChance;
private final double endFactor;
public RiverPath(int x, int y, int[][] alts, double bChance, int c, double eFactor, int pX, int pY)
startID = MapNode.createID(x, y);
branchChance = bChance;
endFactor = eFactor;
endID = a number;
public RiverPath(int x, int y, int[][] alts, double bChance)
this(x, y, alts, bChance, 0, .02, -1, -1);
與public static int createID(int x, int y)
public RiverPath(int x, int y, int[][] alts, double bChance, int c, double eFactor, int pX, int pY)
count = c;
if(c > 0)
isBranch = true;
isBranch = false;//pX and pY only matter if is Branch
startID = MapNode.createID(x, y);
branchChance = bChance;
altitudes = alts;
endFactor = eFactor;
mainPath.add(new MapNode(x, y, altitudes));
boolean pathing = true;
MapNode currentNode = mainPath.get(0);
int[][] heights = new int[3][3];//heights around river
boolean[][] heightTight = new boolean[3][3];
int min;
int minCount;
int tID;
RiverPath branch;
if(Math.random() < endFactor*count)
pathing = false;
min = 99;
minCount = 0;
for(int i = -1; i < 2; i++)
{//These loops fill heights with the nearby heights of mapnodes and set min as the min
for(int z = -1; z < 2; z++)
heights[i+1][z+1] = altitudes[currentNode.getY() + i][currentNode.getX() + z];
if(heights[i+1][z+1] < min)
min = heights[i + 1][z + 1];
if(min == currentNode.getAltitude())
min = 0;
for(int i = -1; i < 2; i++)
for(int z = -1; z < 2; z++)
tID = MapNode.createID(currentNode.getX() + z, currentNode.getY() + i);
if(heights[i+1][z+1] == currentNode.getAltitude() && (!isBranch || !(MapNode.createID(pX, pY) == tID)) && (mainPath.size() == 1 || mainPath.get(mainPath.size() - 1).getID() != tID))
{//if the altitude is the min, and it either isn't a branch or it isn't the node before this one
heightTight[currentNode.getY()+i][currentNode.getX()+z] = true;//a possible path exists here
min++;//min now keeps track of the total number of possible paths there are
minCount++;//also keeps track of total, but for a different implementation later
while(min != 0)
if(min == -1)
min = -2;//signals that we can test branches
for (int i = -1; i < 2; i++)
for (int z = -1; z < 2; z++)
if (min > 0 && heightTight[currentNode.getY() + i][currentNode.getX() + z] && Math.random() < 1.0/)//
if(min > 0)
min = -1;//signals that we can skip all other true values, but ONLY if there are more possible branches
min = 0;//in case we lower min below 0
else if(min == -2 && heightTight[currentNode.getY() + i][currentNode.getX() + z] && Math.random() < branchChance)//both random chance and it is a possible path
branch = new RiverPath(currentNode.getX() + z, currentNode.getY() + i, altitudes, branchChance, count, endFactor, currentNode.getX(), currentNode.getY());
endID = currentNode.getID();
共享[MCVE](https://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve)對於這類問題非常有幫助;如果您省略導致問題的部分代碼,則很難診斷問題。 – dimo414
哪個變量? –
缺失:錯誤信息! – GhostCat