public interface IGrpAvgMetricTimeSeriesRepository extends
CrudRepository<GrpAvgMetricTimeSeriesEntity, GrpAvgMetricTimeSeriesEntityPK> {
@Modifying(clearAutomatically = true)
"update GrpAvgMetricTimeSeriesEntity ge Set ge.sampleCount = ge.sampleCount + 1 ,ge.sumVal = ge.sumVal + ?1 "
+ "where ge.groupId = ?2 and ge.metric = ?3 and ge.normalizedTimeStamp = ?4 ")
void updateSumAndCounter(double value, String grpId, String metric, long normalizedTimeStamp);
@Query("select g from GrpAvgMetricTimeSeriesEntity g where g.normalizedTimeStamp >= ?1 "
+ "and g.normalizedTimeStamp <= ?2 and g.groupId = ?3 and g.metric = ?4 order by g.normalizedTimeStamp ")
List<GrpAvgMetricTimeSeriesEntity> getPointsBetween(long fromTime, long toTime, String grpId,
String metric);
public class GrpAvgMetricTimeSeriesEntity {
private String groupId;
private String metric;
private long normalizedTimeStamp;
private double sumVal;
private long sampleCount;
public GrpAvgMetricTimeSeriesEntity(){
//For mapper
public GrpAvgMetricTimeSeriesEntity(String groupId, String metric, long normalizedTimeStamp,
float sumVal, long sampleCount) {
this.groupId = groupId;
this.metric = metric;
this.normalizedTimeStamp = normalizedTimeStamp;
this.sumVal = sumVal;
this.sampleCount = sampleCount;
public String getGroupId() {
return groupId;
public void setGroupId(String groupId) {
this.groupId = groupId;
public String getMetric() {
return metric;
public void setMetric(String metric) {
this.metric = metric;
public long getNormalizedTimeStamp() {
return normalizedTimeStamp;
public void setNormalizedTimeStamp(long normalizedTimeStamp) {
this.normalizedTimeStamp = normalizedTimeStamp;
public double getSumVal() {
return sumVal;
public void setSumVal(float sumVal) {
this.sumVal = sumVal;
public long getSampleCount() {
return sampleCount;
public void setSampleCount(long sampleCount) {
this.sampleCount = sampleCount;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
return false;
GrpAvgMetricTimeSeriesEntity that = (GrpAvgMetricTimeSeriesEntity) o;
return normalizedTimeStamp == that.normalizedTimeStamp &&
Double.compare(that.sumVal, sumVal) == 0 &&
sampleCount == that.sampleCount &&
Objects.equal(groupId, that.groupId) &&
Objects.equal(metric, that.metric);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hashCode(groupId, metric, normalizedTimeStamp, sumVal, sampleCount);
public String toString() {
return "GrpAvgMetricTimeSeriesEntity{" +
"groupId='" + groupId + '\'' +
", metric='" + metric + '\'' +
", normalizedTimeStamp=" + normalizedTimeStamp +
", sumVal=" + sumVal +
", sampleCount=" + sampleCount +
create table host_time_series_entity (
time_stamp long not null,
host_name varchar(255) not null,
metric_name varchar(255) not null,
metric_value double(255),
primary key (time_stamp, host_name, metric_name)
create table grp_avg_metric_time_series_entity (group_id varchar(255) not null, metric varchar(255) not null, normalized_time_stamp bigint not null, sum_val DOUBLE not null,sample_count bigint not null, primary key(group_id, metric, normalized_time_stamp));
我想的問題是,我需要首先檢查行表已經存在 - 如果不創建一個,否則更新現有的一個。
helppp :(
我認爲它是因爲我不檢查線是否存在,然後嘗試更新!你有什麼想法,我會怎麼做?像「插入...重複密鑰更新」? – nadavgam
你可以有一個返回類型的int並獲取更新的行數(我認爲)。如果0做一個插入。 –
但那不是有效的,我不想等待從dababase repsonse,只有比更新..不是? – nadavgam